Tuesday 8 December 2015


Form 1

1.1.0 Sources and importance of history

1.1.1 Meaning and importance 

History - A branch of study that deals with the events and technological development of human beings throughout time, or the record of human activities

1.1.2 Sources of history 

Sources of history - Oral tradition, archaeology, archives, museums, written records

1.2.0 Evolution of man, technology and environment

1.2.1 Evolution of man

Order of Ages
Early Stone Age - Began around 2.6 million years ago - Homo Habilis and Zinjanthropus appear - Wood and bone tools are used (crude tools) - Lived a nomadic life as hunter/gatherers
Middle Stone Age - Ended around 50,000 BC - Discovery of fire - Development of sharper, smaller, portable tools - Emergence of social and ethnic groups
Late Stone Age - Began around 50,000 BC to 3,300 BC - Neolithic Revolution occurs - Beginning of farming and domestication of animals - Beginning of permanent settlement Bronze Age - 3,300 BC until 1,200 BC - Military technology develops, Empires begin
 Iron Age - 1,200 BC until 400 AD - Trade and Empires come to dominate human activities Stages of human evolution
1. Australopithecus Africus – Zinjanthropus - Early ancestors of man
2. Homo Habilis - The tool maker
3. Homo Erectus - Standing upright
4. Homo Sapiens - Modern man
(Homo Sapiens Sapiens) Changes in humanity’s way of life during the late stone age (Neolithic) in Africa - Man used tools with better efficiency, tools were sharper/lighter/smaller, increased production because of better/efficient tools, man started to live in an area permanently instead of living nomadically, cultivation of food began, family life was more stable with the formation of villages, began era of division of labor by class/gender/age/wealth, population growth, fishing began, skilled craftsmen/traders emerge
Dryopithecus/Procensul did not become hominids; they developed into apes like gibbons Venyopithecus and Ramapithecus became hominids
Man started to be a skillful toolmaker at the stage of Homo Habilis By 1000AD iron technology began to appear widely in East Africa
Iron technology revolutionized agriculture
With fire and iron tools, man was able to clear large forests for farming
Some of the tools made from iron were spears, hoes and axes Nok, Axum and Meroe were famous areas for iron smelting Iron tools contributed to economic specialization Iron tools increased military operations and expansions of states up through the 19th century
The growth and expansion of the Songhai Empire was a result of the development of iron technology Early Stone Age sites in East Africa are located at Rusinga island, Olorgesailie, and Olduvai Gorge

1.3.0 Development of economic activities and their impact

1.3.1 Agriculture

Agriculture - The action by humans of keeping animals as well as the cultivation of crops 4 Effects of agriculture on humanity - Permanent settlement, population grew, specialization of activities, trade and physical activities

1.3.2 Handicrafts, industries and mining in pre-colonial Africa

Important types of industries in pre-colonial times - Basket making, pottery, iron smelting, tool making, mining

1.3.3 Trade in pre-colonial Africa

Types of trade - Local, long distance Local Trade - Trade which involves people within the same general location or within the same ethnic group
Long Distance Trade - Trade between people from different locations or different ethnic groups (ex. trans-Saharan trade) Trade items involved in the Trans-Saharan trade - Animal skins, gold, kola nuts, beeswax, ivory, salt
Reasons for the development of the Trans-Saharan trade - Availability of trade items, use of camels as transport, political stability, fertile soil in North and West Africa, leadership (Sundiata/Mansa Musa), conquest by Arabs, emergence of kingdoms, Islam, trust between Berbers and westerners
Effects of the Trans-Saharan trade - Introduction of new goods (silk, camels, beads), development of towns (Timbuktu/Jenne), spreading of Islam, development of education, states grew (Mali, Ghana, Songhai), Western Sudan lost a lot of wealth, stimulated the development of agriculture, spread of technical skills, intermarriages
Why the Trans-Saharan trade collapsed - Suspicion and mistrust among Arabs/Berbers/Africans, war in North Africa, colonialism, the triangular trade (Trans Atlantic trade), industrial revolution in Europe Commodities from East Africa - Ivory, gold, copper, leopard skins, tortoise shells, rhinoceros horns, slaves
Tribes involved with the Long Distance Trade (LDT) in East Africa- - Kamba, Baganda, Kikuyu, Banyoro traded along northern routes - Arabs/Swahili along the Eastern Coast - Nyamwezi in the central route - Yao along the southern route

1.4.0 Development of social and political systems

1.4.1 Kinship or clan organization

Kinship (Clan) - Refers to a group of families in a tribe that share common ancestors
Clan Heads - The leader of a clan
Roles of clan heads - Controlled major means of production, provided guidance to members of the clan, arranging marriages, presiding over religious ceremonies, settle disputes, protect ethics/norms/rituals
Matrilineal Society - A society which is governed by women
Matrilineal Societies in East Africa - Kamba, Kikuyu, Makonde, Mwera
Patrilineal Society - A society which is governed by men

1.4.2 Age-set system

Age-Set System - A kind of socio-political organization which is based on age and sex.
It was the dominant form to organization in pastoral societies (ex. Maasai, Nyakusa, Khoikhoi) Example of Age-Set system -
The Maasai Children (1-8, Layoin) - Not directly involved in production
Youth (8-18) - Responsible for grazing animals and milking cattle, assisted by women
Moran (18-35) - Responsible for defending the society
Laibon (35+) - Elders in society who settle disputes and make important decisions (war, marriage)

1.4.3 Ntemiship

Ntemiship - A type of state which is characterized by being made up of separated groups. The word is derived from kutema, which means to split apart. The most well known tribe which used this system were the Nyamwezi
Mtemi - The name given to the leader who organized the activities which opened up new land and who controlled the people (ex. usukuma, unyamwezi, ukimbu, ugogo)

1.4.4 State organization

Factors for the rise of the ancient Egyptian states - The development of agriculture and pastoralism, specialization of labour, development of productive forces, war and conquest, growth of industry, growth of town
The role played by Islam in the formation or transformation of states in pre-colonial West Africa - Brought villages and cities together, villagers left indigenous religions for Islam, writing was introduced, birth of democratic Islamic rule instead of autocratic Hausa states, led to formation of Mandinka/Sokoto caliphate states, led to formation of African nationalism in West Africa
Explain the factors for the rise and decline of the Bunyoro – Kitara Kingdom. -
Rise: Good leadership, good climatic conditions, agricultural production which facilitated trade, conquering other states,
Decline: Conquered by other states, disunity among factions, weak army, poor leadership Centralized western Sudanic states were mostly expanded by conquest
The Kangaba developed into the Mali Empire

Form 2

2.1.0 Interactions among the people of Africa

2.1.1 Social and economic factors for interactions

Social and economic factors for interactions - Migration, religion, war, music, medicine, marriage
Economic factors of migration - African communities interacted due to economic factors like crafts, trade, farming and pastoralism

2.1.2 The coming of the Ngoni

Analyze the circumstances that brought about the Ngoni migration (1800s) and its effects - Causes - Began in the 19th century when Shaka Zulu began conquering neighbouring states to establish the Zulu Empire (Ngoni fled north)
Effects - Long Distance Trade was disrupted and became disorganized (ex. Yao + Nyamwezi), Ngoni brought war to peaceful areas, introduction of new culture and ways of keeping law & order, introduced new military techniques ex. Assegai spears/cattle horn formation, people were left homeless, land was confiscated by the Ngoni, Hehe unified with the help of Ngoni military tactics 

2.2.0 Social-economic development and production in precolonial Africa

2.2.1 Social organization and production

Identify the main characteristics of pre-colonial education - Main purpose was to transmit knowledge of the society to individuals such as agricultural techniques or production of crafts/tools, education was an ongoing activity taking into account stages of an individual’s status or age in the society, the society was responsible for education rather than schools, education was informal
Many African societies had education systems which transferred knowledge from elders to the next generation by the 16th century

2.2.2 Types of social organizations and production

Social Organization - Refers to the system how an individual within a group relate with each other in order to exist harmoniously
Production - The process by which people create goods to satisfy their needs and to accumulate a surplus for times of need or for sale. Production can involve manufacturing, mining, crop cultivation or animal keeping Communalism

Communalism - A system whereby people live together and practice common ownership of property. It is believed to have originated during the early stages of human evolution 
Characteristics of communalism - People living by hunting and gathering, people lived in small groups, there was no exploitation of man by man (no classes existed), work was done communally Slavery

Slavery - An economic system which involves the ownership and use of slaves for economic production. Slaves were considered property during pre-colonial Africa and were bought or sold or given as a gift and forced to work without any rewards
How people became slaves - Born into bondage (their parents were slaves), interaction between communities (ex war, kidnapping), criminals taken as slaves, disadvantaged individuals (landless people)
The slave trade rapidly expanded in East Africa in the 19th century because of - Portuguese slave trade from Mozambique to Brazil, Dutch and French trade dominance in Mauritius and Reunion Islands, introduction of cloves in Zanzibar, local rulers involvement in slave and ivory trade, power shifted from the interior to the coast allowing slaves to be sent to Asia and the Middle East Feudalism

Feudalism - The system of production where wealthy landowners rented land to landless people in exchange for a fee in the form of services or goods
Examples of feudalism - Nupe, Ankole, Buganda, Karagwe
Characteristics of feudalism - Land was owned by a few rich people, majority were landless (serfs or peasants), there were two distinct classes (those with land, those without land)
Most centralized states in Africa were based on feudalism

2.3.0 Africa and the external world

2.3.1 Early contact with the Middle East and Far East

One of the negative impacts of Africa’s contact with the Middle East was the growth of the slave trade

2.3.2 Contacts with Europe The Portuguese

How the Portuguese disrupted the development of trade in the Indian Ocean up to the 17th century - Portuguese captured and controlled trade in the Indian Ocean, by waging war with Arab traders to monopolize trade, changing trade routes from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean, introduction or imposition of trading licenses and permits, heavy taxes and duties on traders
Impacts of the Portuguese intrusion in East Africa in the 16th century - Directed East African trade to the south and to the Atlantic Ocean, decay of Indian Ocean trade, prosperity of Arab states greatly declined in East Africa and were destroyed by the Portuguese, Portuguese introduced Christianity, introduced new crops like maize/cassava/pineapples/groundnuts
Reasons for short lived presence of the Portuguese in East Africa - Tropical diseases, socialcultural/religious differences, climatic conditions, loss of trade, harsh treatment of the indigenous, revolts by city states
Reasons why the Portuguese colonies in Africa engaged in armed struggles for liberation - Portuguese saw these countries as Portuguese provinces overseas, political parties were banned, Portugal was the poorest country in Europe and depended on their colonies, Portugal was a fascist state run by a dictator, Portugal felt it had a “civilizing mission” in Africa, Portuguese settlers did not want to leave, Portugal underestimated the power of nationalists
Reasons for Portuguese interest in the East African Coast - Coast was a restocking point for ships heading east, to control/share trade by Persians/Arabs, to control trade from India, to levy taxes from coastal merchants, East Africa is strategically important for controlling marine trade in the Indian Ocean The Dutch settlement at the Cape

Causes of the Boer’s Great Trek - Introduction of the English language to South Africa, land alienation of the Boers, presence of missionaries on the Cape, British control of the Cape
Effects of the Mfecane War - War by Shaka Zulu which took land from other tribes in South Africa, caused the Ngoni migration Slave trade in the Indian Ocean and the Trans-Atlantic slave trade

Slavery in East Africa was introduced by Arabs and Asians as early as 2 AD
Causes of the slave trade in the Indian Ocean - Arabs introduced clove plantations, high demand for slave labour on sugar plantations in Mauritius and Reunion, slaves were needed as porters
Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade (Triangular Trade) - The trade which occurred between West Africa, America and Europe

2.4.0 Industrial capitalism

2.4.1 Demands of industrial capitalism 

Capitalism - An economic system whereby the major means of production are privately owned. The two groups of people in this system are employers and workers
Factors affecting industrial capitalists in Europe - Coal and iron were available in large quantities in Europe, agrarian revolution, advancement of science and technology, trade, banking and insurance services encouraged industries to develop Capitalism developed through three states
1. Mercantilism 
2. Industrial capitalism 
3. Monopoly capitalism 

2.4.2 Agents of industrial capitalism 

Reasons why missionaries became the forerunners of colonialism - Were deliberately sent by countries as agents of colonialism, worked as translators for treaties, softened views of locals to allow for incoming colonialists, converted Africans to a new faith which gave the colonial powers control of their religion, preaching of obedience reduced resistance, Church Missionary Society grew cotton in Uganda, exploration of the interior, drew maps
Roles of companies and associations in colonialism - Companies usually signed treaties, they enforced administrative laws, exploited the African continent and sent back information about the availability of resources, some companies enforced administrative law, traded with Africans and got raw materials for European industries, built roads/waterways/cities, marked boundaries for the interior of Africa, encouraged their home countries to colonize Africa
Examples of companies and associations in Africa - Africa Association of Britain (c1788 to find suitable agricultural land), Imperial British East Africa Company (IBEAC, c1886 to protect British interests in East Africa), German East Africa Company (c1884 by Karl Peters to handle German affairs in Tanganyika), Royal Niger Company (RNC, c1884 by George Goldies in West Africa), British South Africa Company (BSAC, created by Cecil Rhodes in central and southern Africa) Prominent European missionaries include Johann Krapf, Dr. John Moffat, Dr. Livingstone Europeans believed that the missionaries brought civilization to Africa

 2.4.3 Abolition of the slave trade 

Reasons for the abolition of slavery - Humanitarian considerations, economically unfeasible, industrial revolution, political pressure, French and British sugar competition (French used slaves and had a competitive advantage in the world sugar market, selling sugar at a lower price than the British) Why the slave trade in East Africa took so long to abolish - The treaties between the Sultan of Oman and the British did not succeed in stopping the slave trade in Zanzibar, the Sultan of Oman depended on the slave trade for his clove business and to keep power, African chiefs who provided slaves had economic reasons to continue, firearms being sold to the interior made catching slaves much easier, French and British sugar competition meant that the French wanted to continue using slave labour on Mauritius and Reunion
What were the notable effects of the abolition of slave trade in East Africa - People started to settle permanently, replaced with legitimate trade, population increase, and freedom of tribes The abolition of the slave trade caused the decline of the trans-Saharan trade and eventually caused the fall of the Sudanic states

2.4.4 British occupation of South African via the Cape 

The British took control of the cape during the period of mercantilism in Europe Boer Trek - The movement of Boers away from the Cape, towards the interior of South Africa, eventually causing the Mfecane war and the migration of the Ngoni
Tactics used by the British to occupy the Cape (causes of the Boer Trek) - Land legislation system which limited the size of an individuals land, abolishing the slave trade, English replaced Dutch as the official language, abolished the restructure of internal trade, the British maintained an army at the Cape
Impact of the Boers Trek - Development of unstable Boer republics (Transvaal, Natal), Orange Free State) with weak economic strength, caused conflict between Boers and Africans, Boers took African resources, Boers lost touch with their Dutch homeland, British extended their control to the interior to help Africans who were treated cruelly by the Boers

Form 3
3.1.0 Establishment of colonialism 

3.1.1 Scramble for and partition of Africa 

The motivational forces behind the scramble for Africa - Economic imperialism, an economic slump from 1873-1893, growth of nationalism in Europe, the Berlin Conference, strategic considerations, control of the Niger Delta/Egypt/Congo Basin/Suez Canal/East Africa
The areas controlled by European powers during the scramble for Africa - French controlled West Africa, Belgians controlled Congo, British controlled Southern Africa/Uganda/Kenya/Egypt/Sudan/Nigeria/Ghana, Germans controlled Namibia/Tanzania/Cameroon, Italians controlled Eritrea/Somalia/Libya, Portuguese controlled Angola/Mozambique/Guinea-Bissau Some areas in Africa experienced more intensive scramble than others in the 19th century because they were economically strategic

3.1.2 The Berlin Conference (1884-1885) 

The resolutions of the Berlin Conference of 1884/1885 - King Leopold’s claim for Congo is legalized, Congo and Niger rivers were free commercial and navigation zones, countries who controlled coastal areas legally could expand to the interior, administration and infrastructure must be built, missionaries/traders were given free access to the interior to ‘civilize’ Africa and end the slave trade, set boundaries to help resolve conflict among European powers and to avoid war
The outcome of the Berlin Conference was an agreement on how to colonize Africa One-sided treaties made by explorers in Africa helped the Berlin Conference to identify areas of exploitation The USA attended the Berlin Conference as an observer

3.1.3 Establishment of colonial rule 

What methods did the Germans use in the conquest of Tanganyika - Diplomacy, unfair treaties, violence, collaboration with local chiefs
What were the decisions reached in the Anglo-German Agreement (Helgoland) of 1890 - Tanganyika came under the sphere of influence of Germany, Britain gained influence over Zanzibar/Pemba/ Kenya/Uganda, completed the partition of East Africa, administration was left to their chartered companies
What were the reasons for and effects of the Anglo-German Agreement (Helgoland) of 1890 - Reasons for - Zanzibar was to be recognized, Britain wanted Uganda to control the source of the Nile river
Effects of - partition of East Africa was completed, Dar es Salaam and Mombasa became main ports linked by railways, the treaty was the beginning of colonialism Treaties between the British and the Sultan of Oman to end the slave trade in Zanzibar
1822 Moresby Treaty - 1st attempt by the British to end the slave trade in Zanzibar,
1845 Harmeton Treaty - 2nd attempt by the British to end the slave trade in Zanzibar,
1873 Frere Treaty - 3rd treaty by the British to end the slave trade in Zanzibar, slave market closed Europeans abandoned going into the interior of Africa to get slaves because it was risky to them due to violence and tropical diseases
During the colonial period, provision of social services was not given a priority to Africans because social services would take part of the profits away from Europeans Britain was interested in Uganda because it was situated at the head of the Nile river Ethiopia was not colonized

3.1.4 African reactions to colonial rule 

Reasons why some Africans collaborated with colonialists - They were militarily weak, to avoid confrontation with rival tribes, to acquire arms from Europeans, wanted peace, wanted opportunities in colonial governments, desire for wealth/power, ignorance of European intentions, they were Christian
Reasons why some Africans resisted colonial rule - Europeans supported traditional enemies, protect their own economic interests, defend sovereignty, opposing brutal colonial policies, to defend traditional culture/religion
Reasons why conflicts between Africans and Whites were inevitable - Colonial alliances with traditional tribal enemies, wanted to remove exploitative structures, resist land alienation, defend political sovereignty, preserve their trade monopolies, harsh treatment and exploitative policies, resisting European culture and Christianity
The causes of Maji Maji war of 1905-1907 in Tanganyika - Germans brutal treatment of natives, tradition of resisting foreigners, forced cultivation of cotton, confiscation of land and cattle, introduction of taxation, forced labour, political dissatisfaction with the German government
How the Maji Maji war of 1905-1907 in Tanganyika remains a symbol of the African struggle against colonial rule -
It opposed the following colonial practices: Forced labour, imposition of heavy taxes and fines, disruption of traditional rule and practices, colonial ruthlessness, Africans gained the spirit of leadership against colonialism, people learned how to defend their rights, united people of different tribes, stepping stone towards decolonization

3.2.0 Colonial administrative systems 

3.2.1 Direct rule, indirect rule, assimilation and association 

Compare and contrast British (Indirect rule) and French system (Assimilation) of administration as practiced in Africa during colonial period. -
Similarities: Racist towards Africans, whites occupied high offices of administration, instituted legislative council of chiefs, taxation and forced labour, laws and policies were created in Europe not Africa.
Differences: French saw colonies as part of France, British saw colonies as distinct entities, French Africans became French citizens, British ones did not, French rule was highly centralized and run from Dakar, British tried to respect traditional methods of choosing chiefs
Why the British chose indirect rule - The system was inexpensive, British lacked enough people to administer colonies, avoided clashes with natives, administration structures existed in Nigeria and Buganda, geographical difficulties in controlling colonial Africa The British exercised direct rule in some parts of Zimbabwe because the natives and traditional chiefs opposed colonial rule

3.2.2 Colonial military and legal institutions 

Colonial Military Institutions - Refers to army and police forces used to maintain law, order and security in the state
 Functions of colonial military institutions - Suppressing African resistance, maintaining security, preserving peace, arresting criminals, defending boundaries, collecting taxes, supervision public works, enforce land alienation policies, help in the invasion and domination of colonial powers in Africa
Colonial Legal Institutions - Institutions dealing with education, legal aid, courts, prisons, implementing indirect rule
Functions of colonial legal institutions - Make laws/acts/ordinances, amend laws/acts/ordinances, deal with people’s claims, direct legal procedures, supporting legal institutions like the courts and prisons

3.3.0 Colonial economy 

3.3.1 Establishment of the colonial economy 

How the colonial state upheld the interests of white settlers in Kenya - Establishment of army/police/judiciary/prisons to control power, encouraging settler migration from Europe to Kenya, confiscating fertile land from indigenous to give to Europeans, imposition of taxation, transportation means were built like roads/railways/ports, provided easy loans to settlers, Africans were banned from participating in the production of cash crops
What were the negatives and positives of colonial economies on the Africa continent -
Negatives - Production was based on white settler plantations with African labour, destruction of traditional economic practices, ending of the barter system, introduction of colonial administration, neglect of food crops
Positives - Introduction of money economy, building of infrastructure, technology is brought in, new products become available
Settlers were favoured by colonial governments because - Fertile land was given to white settlers and Africans were given infertile land, taxation of Africans, demanding cheap African labour on settlers farms/mines, government grants/loans given to settlers, monopoly of cash crops
Effects of a colonial economy on East Africa - Uneven distribution of social and physical infrastructure, establishment of a heavy mining industry in Tanganyika, introduction of new crops like sisal/cotton/pyrethrum, utilization of cheap African labour In Sierra Leone colonization was accompanied by mass European settlement The British built the Uganda railway in order to gain easy access to resources surrounding the interlucastrine area

3.3.2 Sectors of the colonial economy 

The following sectors of the colonial economy favoured Europeans and Asians in Africa - Agriculture, mining, financial institutions, transport and commerce
Characteristics of settler and plantation agriculture in colonial Africa - Products were meant for export and profit, needed large number of labourers and lots of land, needed infrastructure like railroads, based on cash crop production rather than on solving economic problems of the indigenous, land alienation, direct supervision by colonial officials to ensure efficient production of materials Why did the colonial powers oppose the development of manufacturing industries in the colonies - Colonists had no interest, wanted raw materials from Africa, manufacturing was done in Europe, wanted Africans to remain as cheap labour, wanted Africa to be a market of European goods
Goals of transport construction - Transporting raw materials from the interior to the coast, transporting missionaries to the interior, facilitating communication with mining areas/farms, transport migrant labourers, transporting soldiers, transporting colonial administrators, strategic reasons (Uganda line was 10 built by the British to be used against the Belgians in the Congo to protect the head of the Nile river), to open up Africa for European exploitation, to learn about the geography of the interior
Characteristics of colonial infrastructure - Railways and road networks started from the coast and moved into the interior, no connection between colonies from different powers, they did not build roads to serve Africans in the rainy seasons, very few communication networks were built, constructed mainly through forced labour and financed by taxes collected from Africans

3.3.3 Colonial labour 

Methods used to obtain labour - Land alienation, use of force, use of communal labour, use of feudal relations, conscription, use of contract labour, western education was introduced to train administrators, creation of labour reserves, taxation, low wages, introduction of manufactured goods Conditions of labourers in colonies - Labourers were paid low wages, discrimination against Africans, no insurance for Africans, Africans could not travel without a pass in their own country, forced labour, Africans were oppressed/exploited/humiliated, labourers were refused social services

3.4.0 Colonial social services 

3.4.1 Colonial education

Critically examine the problems of colonial education to Africa societies - Based on race/gender/religion, syllabus determined by colonialists, very few Africans received education, examinations were used as the means to limit student success, some regions were not given education, education of Africans was inferior to whites, created educated and uneducated classes 

3.4.2 Colonial health services 

Objectives of colonial health services - Maintaining and protecting the health of colonialists, tried to eradicate malaria and other diseases, training nurses and doctors, improving health and hygiene of Africans
Characteristics of colonial health services - Offered on the basis of race, few African doctors, services were offered in towns and missionary centers, medicine was curative and not preventative, Europeans did not use traditional African medicine, little funding from the colonial government
Impact of colonial health services - Reinforced racial classes in colonies, areas without raw materials were not provided health services, created regional imbalances between towns/missionary/plantation areas and the rest of the colony, people relied on curative treatments instead of preventative care, Africans abandoned traditional medicine

3.4.3 Provision of water and housing services during the colonial era 

Objectives of provision of water and housing services - Aimed at serving settlers/soldiers/labourers, served members of the colonial bureaucracy/administration, improved health and hygiene for Africans in towns
Characteristics of water and housing services - Offered on the basis of race, unevenly distributed (depended on the economic value of an area), areas for labourers had no housing of water services which were established by colonialists, based on religious grounds (missionary areas had better water)
Impact of water and housing services - Reinforced racial classes in colonies, areas without raw materials or colonialists were marginalized and denied services, created regional imbalances

Form 4 

4.1.0 Crises in the capitalist system 

4.1.1 The First World War 

Causes of the First World War - Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary, Moroccan Crisis between France and Britain, dissatisfaction with British dominance of colonies, triple alliance of Russia/Britain/France and triple entity of Italy/Germany/Austria-Hungary, Belgian anger about the Boers in South Africa, failure of powers to agree on control of colonial land

4.1.2 The Great Depression 

Great Depression (1929-1939) - A period of profound worldwide economic crisis which ended with the beginning of World War II. It began with the crash of the American stock market in 1929

4.1.3 The Second World War II 

Why did decolonization/nationalism gain momentum after the Second World War - Weakened economic and military strength of Britain, France and Germany, European powers were dependent upon the USA for economic rebuilding (Marshall Plan), African soldiers began to demand freedom/selfdetermination/democracy, Pan-Africanism began to take hold, USA supported decolonization, British Labour party opposed colonialism (took power in 1945), success of other countries like India/Pakistan/Burma in achieving independence

4.2.0 Nationalism and decolonization 

4.2.1 Nationalism in Africa 

Reasons why the dream of a united Africa has not been realized - Lack of unity among countries, political instability, selfishness among leaders, colonial legacy, intertribal hatred, different levels of economic development, environmental problems, small countries fear big countries will dominate, competition among leaders (i.e. Nyerere and Nkrumah)
The presence of Makerere University formed a part of regional intellectual elite in East Africa

4.2.2 The rise of social and welfare associations 

Roles of welfare associations, religious movements and cooperative societies in the struggles for independence in East Africa - Promoted unity among various ethnic groups, acted as training schools for East African leaders, raised awareness and consciousness among the colonized, laid foundations for political parties, provided social services that Europeans did not provide

4.2.3 The rise of protest and religious movements 

Early (Proto) Nationalism (1900-1940) - The first phase of the development of protest movements in Characteristics of Africa lay renationalism - Arose as a result of colonial exploitation and oppression, influenced by the Pan-African Conference, generally lacked unity among protest groups
Role played by welfare, peasant associations and tribal organizations in gaining independence - Brought unity among tribes, awareness was raised, gave a forum for discussion, gave moral and material support, was a stepping stone towards successful nationalism Modern (Proper)
Nationalism (1945-1990) - The last phase of the development of protest movements in Africa which resulted in majority independence for African states

4.2.4 The rise of mass nationalism and political parties in Africa 

Factors affecting the rise of nationalism in Africa - Internal - Grievances with colonial rule (exploitation, oppression, poor services, lack of power, land alienation, taxation, cattle confiscation) External - Europeans were looking to reform colonial rule in Africa (contribution by the USA/USSR after WWII), former soldiers, independence of Pakistan and India (1947)
Role played by the nationalist parties in the struggle for independence in Africa - Created unity among people, preparing people for self-government, helped peasants get better prices for their crops, demanding representation in legislation, opposed governments land alienation policies
List of nationalist parties - Convention Peoples Party (CPP), Tanganyika African National Union (TANU), KANU, FRELIMO, ANC
Reasons for the outbreak of the Chimurenga war in Southern Rhodesia by the Shona and Ndebele - Land alienation, forced labour, harsh treatment, taxation policies, interference with Shona trade with the Portuguese, desire for freedom, destruction of culture, cattle confiscation
Problems which faced Uganda during nationalistic struggles - Tribalism, religious tensions, regionalism, uneven distribution of education, class division, many opposition parties

4.2.5 Decolonization through constitutional means 

Nionviolent Decolonzation - Decolonization through the uses of negotiation (talking, parliamentary means, demonstrations, petitions, boycotts) against colonial rule which were usually done by the elite political leaders (ex JK Nyerere, Kwame Nkrumah, Leopard Senghor, Kenneth Kaunda, etc) Tanganyika achieved Independence earlier than Kenya and Uganda because it was a trusteeship

4.2.6 Decolonization through armed struggle 

Factors that prolonged the struggle to eliminate apartheid/gain independence/get majority rule in
South Africa- Prohibition of nationalist movements, lack of financial resources to support nationalist movements, white settlers controlled the economy, foreign support of Apartheid to suppress the spread of communism, large number of white settlers in the country, use of force and violence to suppress antiapartheid movements i.e. Soweto Massacre and Sharpeville Massacre, weak support from neighbouring countries, multinational companies invested in mines/plantations/industry, ethnic and tribal 12 divisions, possession of Namibia by the South Africa regime provided a safe place to wage war from, lack of serious support from the UN/USA due to fears of communism spreading, lack of political awareness among South Africans

4.2.7 Decolonization through revolution 

Revolution - An armed struggle by a large group within the society against the colonial government
Case Study of Revolution - Zanzibar Zanzibar Revolution - A 19th century battle that lasted about 45 minutes but demonstrated the iron fist of the pre-colonial European colonial powers in East Africa Leader of the Zanzibar Revolution - John Okello (from Uganda) Causes of the Zanzibar Revolution - Exploitation of the population to grow cloves, economic difficulties faced by Zanzibaris, grievances between different Arab groups in Zanzibar, land allocation
Zanzibar Independence - Zanzibar received its independence from the British on December 10th, 1963

4.3.0 Changes in political, social and economic policies in Africa after independence 

4.3.1 Changes in political, ideological and administrative systems 

Political changes in African states since the 1980s resulted from internal and external forces - Internal: National unity and integrity, constitutional changes, colonial legacy External: End of cold war, role of USA and USSR, non-alignment movement

4.3.2 Changes in economic development policies and strategies 

Reasons Tanzania created  kept a policy of self-reliance and socialism (1967) - Kagera War 1978/1979, oil crisis of 1973/1974, misuses of public funds, drought Neo-colonialism operates politically through the IMF and World Bank in the form of grants and loans

4.3.3 Provision of education in Africa after independence 

Changes in provision of education after independence - Expansion in the numbers of higher education institutions, new curriculums and syllabuses, training of new teachers, Africanization of educational system and topics, less control by missionaries of the education system (secularization) Weaknesses of the educational system after independence - Quality of education was reduced (due to shortage of experienced teachers), corruption in the education system, poorly written examinations (or widespread cheating), neglecting vocational education, literacy levels remain low, lack of employment after finishing education

4.3.4 Changes in the provision of health services 

Changes in the provision of health services - Doctors/nurses were trained, hospitals and dispensaries were built, vaccination programs began (small box, sleeping sickness, leprosy)
eProblems in the provision of health servics - Not enough doctors/nurses, lack of hospitals/dispensaries, lack of proper training of medical personnel, lack of family planning services, low protein intake leads to malnutrition and resistance to disease, services are unevenly distributed (found in towns and not in rural areas), qualified doctors move to other countries, lack of clean water, lack of focus on health care by the government

4.3.5 Changes in the provision of water services (Not found in exams) 4.3.6 Changes in the provision of housing 

Problems in provision of housing - Lack of funds, lack of employment, lack of running water, not a high priority for the government, severe shortage of low rent houses

4.3.7 Establishment of national military and national legal institutions 

(Not found in exams)

4.3.8 Problems hindering development in Africa after independence 

Problems faced by Nigeria since its independence - Tribalism, military coups, poverty, HIV/malaria, unemployment, corruption, regionalism, oil

4.4.0 Africa in international affairs 

4.4.1 Continental cooperation 

Role of the OAU in the decolonization of Africa - Coordinated opposition to colonial rule, assisted leaders who were the targets of assassinations, allowed countries under colonial rule to air grievances and to condemn them openly

4.4.2 African regional cooperation 

Explain the objectives of the newly reestablished East African community - Economic integration between East African countries, unity among East African countries, free movement of goods and people

4.4.3 Africa in International affairs 

Why the USA changed its isolation policy towards colonialism - Wanted private enterprise from America to enter colonies without political interference from Europeans, rise of the USA as a global power
Benefits gained by members of the Commonwealth - Economic relations, diversified economies, inclusion in global economy, better trade arrangements, peace/stability, commitments to human rights Notable failures of the UN is its inability to control the actions of big powers, prevent genocide, nuclear proliferation

5.1.0 Definitions 

Anthropologist - Studies the history of human culture and development
Archaeologist - Studies remains to learn about events from the past
Assegai - Ngoni short stabbing spears first adopted by East African Societies
Assimilation- A policy aimed at promoting the French language, culture and work ethic in French colonies to weaken African resistance and strengthen their rule in the colonies
COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa) - Free trade agreement between 19 countries in Africa, formed in 1994
Devonshire White Paper - Declared officially in 1923 that in Kenya, the concerns of Africans were "paramount", even when they conflicted with the needs of whites
Dynasty - Family of rulers in which the right to rule passes within the family from father to children Feudalism - A system in which kings and noblemen hold territory that is granted to peasants or serfs, in Africa during the interlucastrine period it was private ownership of land and cattle
FRELIMO - Group that fought for independence of Mozambique from Portugal from 1964-1975 HABITAT - United Nations agency responsible for human settlement
Histoyr - Human activities against nature and production relations are fully understood through this subject
IBEACO - British East Africa Company, founded in 1886 by William Macknon
Indirect Rule - Used by the British in West Africa and Uganda by using traditional African institutions to manage the affairs of colonized peoples such as local chiefs International African Association - Launched by King Leopold to spearhead the colonization of the Congo in 1876 Kayamaghan - The title given to the King of Ghana meaning “Master of Gold”
Koumbi Saleh - Found in modern day Mauritania, was the former capital of the Ghana Empire destroyed in 1076 by Berber raiders
Liberia and Sierra Leone - Settlements of freed slaves
Lukiko - The Kabaka’s council and court of appeal in the Buganda Kingdom of Uganda
Matrilineal - A system where people trace their ancestors and inherit property through mothers Microlith - Smaller, refined stone tools made by man during the Middle Stone Age
Monarchy - A political system by which a king or queen occupies a throne
Monetization - Changing from a barter economy to one based on the use of money
Moresby Treaty - Made it illegal to sell slaves from East Africa to Christian countries
Myths - Traditional stories about the past
Nationalist Parties - Parties formed by Africans during colonialism with the aim of fighting colonialism in order to gain political independence
Native Authority Ordinance of 1921 - Segregation act in South Africa which preceded Apartheid Neolithic Revolution - Entailed domestication of plants and animals, occurred in the Late Stone Age NEPAD - A political and economic programme which aims at promoting democracy, stability, good governance and economic development in Africa
Non-Alignment Movement - Main aim was to balance the influence of the two superpowers 14
Oral Tradition - Historical information is passed on by word of mouth from generation to generation Preservation - A policy used by the British in the establishment of the colonial economy which aimed to retain some pre-colonial African structure/elements
Resistance - A phenomenon of hostility whereby societies react against imposition of colonial rule SADC (Southern African Development Community) - Goal is to further economic and social cooperation and integration among southern African countries
Slave Trade - Transaction of buying and selling humans as commodities
Soweto Massacre - The event which marked the end of peaceful protests by African nationalists in South Africa in 1976
The Commonwealth - A worldwide association of countries that were once colonies of Britain who share common commitments to promoting human rights, democracy and economic development
The Dutch East India Company - The first trading company which set a regular supply station at the cape.
Transatlantic Slave Trade (Triangular Slave Trade) - Trade between Americas, Europe and Africa exchanging goods, raw materials and slaves
Treaty of Ucciali - Treaty in 1889 by King Melenik of Ethiopia ceding land to Italy which is now Eritrea
Treaty of Versailles - Treaty signed in Paris France in 1919 between Allied powers and Germany ending World War I
Ubugabire - An exploitative relation between the cattle owning Tutsi and Hutu agriculturalists in Rwanda
Ujamaa Villages - Tanzanian attempt to increase food production and cash crops UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) - Responsible for literacy, historical sites, and culture
UNHCR (United Nations High Commission for Refugees) - United Nations agency responsible for refugees
Voortekker - The Boer’s exodus from the cape Zijanthropus - Had massive teeth which were used for grinding food, early ancestor of man from the Early Stone Age

5.2.0 People 

Abeid Aman Karume - Architect of the union between Zanzibar and Tanganyika
Alafin - Title given to the King of the Oyo Empire in West Africa
Anwar Sadat - Former President of Egypt, assassinated in 1981
Berber - Merchants provided capital and arranged caravans across the Sahara Desert
sCecil Rhode - Founder of Rhodesia and the DeBeers diamond company, believed strongly in imperialism and colonialism. Wanted the British Empire to go from Cairo to Cape Town
Dr John Robert Moffat - Worked as a missionary in Rabai among the Ndebele, facilitated treaty between IBEACO and King Lobengula in South Africa
Dr. David Livingstone - Opened up Africa to the British through his first and second journeys to Africa, missionary
Dr. Louis Leakey - Discovered the skull of Dryopithecus on Rusinga Island in 1959
Eduardo Mondlane - First President of Mozambique under FRELIMO, was assassinated in 1969 Francisco D’Almeida - Lead the Portuguese conquest of East Africa coast in 1505
Ghana Empire - Destroyed by Berber raiders, lasted from 790-1076
Hehe Chiefdom - An example of militarized centralized state in South-Central Tanzania
Henry Morton Stanley - Found Dr. David Livingstone at Ujiji to assure the British Empire that Livingstone was still collecting data for the imperialists
Henry the Navigator - Portuguese prince who was responsible for the beginning of European worldwide exploration
Kabaka - The title given to the king of Buganda Karl Peters - Head of the German East Africa Company which was formed in 1884 to control German affairs in Tanganyika
King Solomoni - Started the Ethiopian Empire in the 4th century
Kingdom of Luba - Pre-colonial African kingdom in south-eastern Congo from 1585-1889
Kingdom of Lunda - Pre-colonial African kingdom in south-western Congo from 1665-1887 Kinjekitile Ngwale - Kolelo priest at Ngarambe who told people that his magic water would protect them from European bullets, mobilized followers against Germans before the Maji Maji war
Kwame Nkrumah - First President of Ghana, early leader of Pan-Africanism
Mkwawa - Hehe tribal leader who opposed German rule in Tanzania
Mutapa - Kingdom which lasted from 1430-1760 in modern day Zimbabwe and Mozambique, builders of Great Zimbabwe
Mzilikazi - Founded Matabele Kingdom, died in 1868 15
Nok culture - Appeared around 1000BC and vanished around 200AD in central Nigeria, had advanced social system/arts
Ogun - The Yoruba/Nigerian god of iron
Othman Dan Fodio, Alhaj Omar, Ahmed Seku - Formed big Empires like Mandika and Sokoto Caliphate during the Jihad war in East Africa
Otto von Bismarck - Chaired the Berlin conference of 1884/1885 Patrice
Lumumba - Former president of Congo-Kinshasa who was the first president assassinated in postcolonial Africa in 1961
Pierre De Brazza - French explorer who opened up Central Africa for French colonization north of the Congo River in Republic of Congo and Gabon
Pombeiros - Early traders in Angola and Congo who obtained slaves Samora Machel - Former President of Mozambique, assassinated in 1986 Samori Toure - Creator of an Islamic state called the Wassoulou Empire in West Africa, resisted French for a long period of time
Shaka Zulu - United Nguni people to form the Zulu kingdom. Born in 1787. Died in 1828.
Sir Charles Elliot - First British governor of Kenya, stressed the establishment of a settler economy Sir D. Cameron - British governor of Tanganyika who was resisted by Tanganyikans
Sultan Seyyid Said - Moved his capital from Muscat to Zanzibar in 1840, died in 1856
Sylvanus Olympio - Former President of Togo, assassinated in 1963
The Khoikhoi - The earliest inhabitants of the cape
Vasco De Gama - Rounded the cape of Good Hope and entered the Indian Ocean in 1497

5.3.0 Dates 

1487 - Bartholomew Diaz passes the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa
1497 - Vasco Da Gama reaches India, sent by Henry the Navigator of Portugal
1498 - Christopher Columbus discovers the sea route to America
1503 - Zanzibar attacked by the Portuguese
1505 - Portuguese explorer Francisco D’Almeida subdued Kilwa, Sofala and Mombasa
1507 - Mozambique becomes the headquarters of the Portuguese in East Africa
1580 - Sir Francis Drake became the first British man to round the cape
1593 - Fort Jesus is built by the Portuguese in Mombasa
1652 - Jan van Riebeeck establishes a Dutch post at the Cape of Good Hope
1698 - Capture of Fort Jesus by Arabs, Portuguese lose the fort
1698 - Zanzibar comes under control of the Sultan of Oman, Portuguese are defeated
1700 - The end of Portuguese dominance in East Africa
1776 - American Independence
1789 - French Revolution
1800 - Coming of the Ngoni to East Africa
1807 - The British passed a law which abolished the slave trade by its subjects
1822 - A settlement for several thousands freed slaves was founded at Monrovia, Liberia
1822 - Moresby Treaty discussed
1840 - Sultan of Oman moves his capital from Muscat to Zanzibar 1846 - Johann Krapf opened the first mission station at Rabai in Mombasa
1859 - Darwin proposes the theory of evolution through natural selection 1870/1871 - Franco-Prussian war
1871 - Henry Stanley finds Dr. Livingstone near Lake Tanganyika
1873 - Slave market closed in Zanzibar
1875 - Discovery of gold in South Africa
1876 - International African Association is created by King Leopold to develop the Congo Free State 1879 - End of slave trade in East Africa, replaced with normal trade
1884/1885 - Berlin Conference, aimed to prevent war between Europeans over African colonies
1885 - Start of German East Africa
1890 - Beginning of British rule in Zanzibar
1890 - Helgoland treaty between British and Germans for control of Zanzibar by the British
1893 - Death of Isike
1896/1897 - Chimurenga War in Southern Rhodesia by Shona and Ndebele tribes
1900 - Buganda Agreement
1900 - The War of the Golden Stool (Ashanti Uprising) in Ghana by the Ashanti tribe against British rule
1907 - Uganda Railway reached Lake Victoria
1917 - Russian Revolution
1919 - End of German colonial rule of East Africa due to their loss in WWI
1919 - Formation of the League of Nations due to the end of WWI
1919 - Formation of the Nazi party in Germany
1920 - Bataka Movement and the Young Buganda Association started in Uganda
1921 - Founding of African National Congress (ANC)
1921 - Young Kikuyu Organization was formed
1922 - Formation of Tanganyika Territory Civil Servant Association (TTCSA)
1922 - Tanganyika African Civil Service Association (TTACSA) was founded by Martin Kayamba in Tanga
1923 - Devonshire white paper released
1929 - Great Depression begins with the stock market crash
1929 - Tanganyika Africa Association (TAA) is formed
1939 - Italians were defeated by Ethiopia under Emperor Menelik II
1945 - Dr. Kwame Nkurumah at the Manchester Conference first proposes an African union
1945 - End of World War 2
1945 - World Bank opens
1946 - Burns Constitution (Gold Coast Constitution) is written in Ghana, Africans allowed into legislature
1947 - Independence of India and Pakistan
1947 - Marshall Plan started which was introduced to rebuild the European economy after WWII 1947 - Sukuma Development Scheme commences
1948 - Apartheid policy was officially announced in South Africa
1948 - The national party in South Africa won and gave the Afrikaners complete political power 1952 - Jomo Kenyatta is arrested, becomes 1st Prime Minister/President of Kenya in 1963/1964
1954 - Birth of Tanganyika African National Union (TANU)
1954 - Mkwawa’s head was returned from Germany
1957 - Independence of Ghana under Dr. Kwame Nkrumah
1959 - Dr. Louis Leakey discovered the skull of Dryopithecus on Rusinga Island
1960 - The Sharpeville massacre in South Africa
1962 - Uganda got partial independence, flag independence, not yet real independence
1963 - End of British colonial rule in Zanzibar, left the Sultan of Oman as the Head of State
1963 - Formation of OAU in Addis Ababa
1964 - Armed struggle started in Mozambique by FRELIMO
1964 - Jan 12, revolution of Zanzibar began
1965 - Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) in Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) under Ian Smith
1967 - Policies of socialism and self-reliance are introduced to Tanzania
1869 - Suez Canal was opened
1973/1974 - Oil crisis
1974/1975 - Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and Angola gain independence from Portugal
1975 - Angolan civil war begins
1976 - Soweto Massacre in South Africa
1980s - Introduction of SAP (Structural Adjustment Programmes) in Tanzania
1982 - Tanzania adopts National Economic Survival Program
1989 - Collapse of the Soviet Union and Soviet Bloc
1990 - Nelson Mandela released from Robben Island
1992 - Introduction of multi party system in Tanzania
1994 - Genocide in Rwanda
1994 - Nelson Mandela becomes President of South Africa
1994 - The first election in South Africa and South Africa becomes an independent state
1995 - Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG) was formed
2001 - The OAU changed to the African Union Time Periods 15th century - Slave trade was first introduced in West Africa
1834-1854 - Boer Trek
1885-1919 - Period of German colonial rule in East Africa
1895-1905 - Nandi Rebellion
1891-1898 - Hehe resistance
1905-1907 - Maji Maji Rebellion
1914-1918 - World War 1
1929-1940 - Great Depression (Great Economic Crisis)
1939-1945 - World War 2
1952-1960 - Mau Mau war begins
19th century - Slave trade spreads to East Africa

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