Friday 11 December 2015


Form 1 Topics

1.5.0 Matter

1.5.2 States of matter

Condensation - The change in the phase of matter from gaseous to liquid droplets
Dry Ice - Solid form of carbon dioxide (CO2 ) which sublimes into the air
Evaporation - Causes the vapourization of a liquid, but occurs only on the surface of a liquid
Freezing - The process of water or any other liquid changing from a liquid to a solid
Froth - Foam consisting of bubbles on a liquid
Melting - The process of a substance changing from a solid to a liquid
Sublimation - The change of a substance from a solid to a gas without becoming a liquid (ex. Ammonia salts sublime when heated)
Avogadro’s Law - States that equal volumes of all gases at the same temperature and pressure contain the same number of molecules
Ideal Gas - A theoretical gas composed of a set of randomly moving particles which obeys they ideal gas law
Ideal Gas Law - The equation of a state of a hypothetical ideal gas which approximates the behaviour of many gases under varying conditions combining Boyle’s Law and Charles’s Law
Boyle’s Law - Describes the inversely proportional relationship between pressure and volume of a gas (as volume increases, pressure decreases)
Charles’s Law - A law which describes out gases tend to expand when heated, showing the direct
relationship between temperature and volume (as temperature increases, volume increases)
Kinetic Theory of Gases - Explains the behaviour of gases based on the movement of their molecules
Avagadro’s Hypothesis - Requires that equal volumes of all ideal gases have the same number of
molecules at STP
Differentiate between solids, liquids and gases -
Liquids - Particles are loosely packed and are bound to each other with weaker forces than those of
solids giving them definite volume but not definite shape. This causes liquids to take the shape of
the container in which they are placed
Solids - Particles are closely packed and bound by strong inter-particle attraction which makes solids
rigid and geometrical giving them definite shape and volume
Gases - The particles are separated by greater distances and forces of attraction are virtually non-
existent which results in particles which are free to move in any direction. This causes gases to
posses neither a definite volume nor shape and they occupy the whole volume of the vessel in
which they are placed

1.5.3 Physical and chemical changes

Types of changes - Physical, chemical
Physical Change - Any change that does not involve a chemical change of the substance
Examples of physical change - Paper burning, glass breaking, changing of a liquid to a solid,
dissolving of salt in water, heating iodine
Chemical Change - Bonds are broken and new bonds are formed in a compound
Examples of chemical change - Rusting of iron, sodium metal reacting with water, heating
magnesium in air or heating ammonium chloride, adding sulphuric acid to water, ripening of
fruits, burning paper
Why rusting of iron is a chemical change - Rusted iron cannot be converted back to its original form, heat is produced during rust formation
Rusting is best prevented by painting

1.5.5 Compounds and mixtures

Compound - Substances formed by the combination of two or more elements in a way that causes them to change chemically. The smallest particle of a compound is a molecule
Molecule - The smallest amount of a substance which can exist independently which consists of two or more atoms combined together (ex. Cl2 )
Chromatography - Used to describe the laboratory techniques used for the separation of mixtures
Decanting - A process used for the separation of mixtures by pouring a solution from a container in order to leave behind precipitate at the bottom of the original container
Distillation - The process of separating mixtures based on different boiling points. It is a physical process which involves evaporation and condensation
Filtration - A process used for the separation of solids from liquids by passing them through a medium in which only liquid can pass, leaving behind the solid material
Destructive Distillation - A set of chemical reactions that cracks or breaks down macromolecules into smaller parts (ex destructive distillation of wood makes charcoal)
Fractional Distillation - The process used in the separation of liquids based on different boiling points
 Solvent Extraction- The method used to separate two solvents
Crystallization - The process of the formation of solid crystals from precipitate in a solution
Dehydration - Removal of water from a compound
Desiccation - The state of extreme dryness or the process of extreme drying surrounding environment.
Desiccants are hygroscopic substances
Desiccators - Keeps substances constantly dry
Effervescence - The escape of gas from an aqueous solution and the foaming or fizzing which results from the release of this gas
Efflorescent - The loss of water or a solvent of crystallization from a hydrated or solvated salt to the
atmosphere on exposure to air
Hygroscopic Substance - One which absorbs water from the atmosphere when exposed to air without forming a solution
Precipitation - The formation of a solid in a solution
Saturated Solution - One which cannot dissolve any more solute at a particular temperature
Saturation Point - The point when a solution cannot dissolve any more of a substance and the excess will appear as precipitate
Suspension - A heterogeneous fluid containing solid particles that have not yet fallen to the bottom as precipitate
Miscibility - Liquids ability to mix with each other forming a homologous solution
Miscible Liquids - Pairs of liquids which mix together uniformly in any proportion (ex. water and
Immiscible Liquids - Pairs of liquids which do not mix completely and form two separate layers (ex.
water and oils)
Solubility - Is the ability of a solute to dissolve in a liquid solvent to form a homogeneous solution of the solute in the solvent
Solute - A substance which dissolves in a solvent (e.g. common salt, NaCl is a solute, water is a
Solvent - A substance which dissolves a solute (e.g. water)
Mixture - A material system of two or more different substances which are mixed together but not combined chemically
Heterogeneous Mixture - A mixture where the composition is not uniform
Homogeneous Mixture - A mixture where the composition is uniform
Why air is a mixture - Can be separated by physical means, composition is variable, no energy is
given out when air is formed, its properties are the average of its constituent gases

1.6.0 Air, combustion rusting and fire fighting

1.6.1 Fire basics

Kindling Point - The temperature at which a fuel will catch fire
Requirements for a fire - Presence of combustible material, presence of oxygen, material is at or above the kindling point
Products of combustion - Heat, light, CO2 , H2O, sometimes carbon (soot)
Classes of Fires - A, B, C, D, E
A - A fire which is produced by burning solids (ex. wood, coal, paper, furniture, plastics, clothes)
How to put out a class A fire - Water
B - A fire which is produced by burning a flammable liquid (ex. petrol, kerosene, alcohol, fats)
How to put out a class B fire - Fire blanket, sand, foam, carbon dioxide
C - A fire which is produced by burning a liquefied gas (ex. acetylene, hydrogen gas, coal gas)
How to put out a class C fire - Foam or carbon dioxide extinguisher
D - A fire which is produced by burning an alkali metal (ex sodium, potassium)
E - A fire which is produced in electrical equipment
How to put out a class E fire - Unplug the device, use carbon dioxide extinguisher, never use
water because water increases electrical conductivity and can cause a larger fire
Why water is not used to put out oil (class B) fires - Water is denser than oil, so it will sink below the oil and the oil will continue to burn
Function of a damp blanket to put out a fire on your clothes - The damp blanket will limit the oxygen which is necessary for combustion to occur. This will also lead to an accumulation of CO2 gas which is not used in combustion

Form 2 Topics

2.2.0 Hydrogen/preparation/properties

2.2.1 Preparation of hydrogen gas

Methods of collecting gases in the laboratory - Downward delivery, downward displacement of water, upward delivery
Downward delivery -
Used to collect - Chlorine, chloride gas
Chlorine - This method is best because chlorine is denser than air and will sink into the
collection container. Since chlorine is soluble in water you cannot use displacement
Downward displacement of water -
Used to collect - Hydrogen
Hydrogen - Since hydrogen gas is less dense than water, it will rise up into the collection
container. Water is also useful because hydrogen gas is colourless and can be seen as
bubbles in the water
Upward delivery -
Used to collect - Ammonia
Ammonia - This method is best because ammonia has a lower density than air which means
that it will rise up into the collection container. Since it is very soluble in water you cannot
use displacement

2.2.2 Uses of hydrogen gas

Uses of hydrogen gas - Used in fuels, conversion of liquid oils to solid oils, making petrol, used in the Haber process to manufacture ammonia

2.3.0 Water

2.3.1 Properties of water

Properties of water - Effective solvent, high specific heat capacity, liquid on earth surface, expands on freezing, high surface tension, neutral pH

2.4.0 Fuels

2.4.1 Fuel sources

Fuel - Is a substance that produces energy when burnt
Examples of liquid fuel - Petrol, diesel
Advantages of liquid fuel over solid fuel -
Examples of gaseous fuel - Methane, propane, coal gas, water, gas
Gaseous fuels used in industry - Coal gas (hydrogen, methane, ethane, CO), liquid gas
(hydrogen, CO)
Examples of solid fuel - Charcoal, coal
Characteristics of good fuel - Naturally occurs in large amount, non-toxic, easy to ignite, widely used, high heat output, does not produce too much waste when burnt
Examples of Fossil Fuels - Oil, coal, natural gas

2.5.0 Atomic Structure

2.5.1 The atom

Dalton’s atomic theory -
•  All elements are made up of tiny indivisible particles called atoms
•  Atoms cannot be created, destroyed or sub divided (and are the smallest particles which can undergo a chemical change)
•  Atoms of different elements have different properties and different masses
•  When atoms combine to form a molecule they do so in simple whole numbers
•  All molecules of one compound are identical and are different from the molecules of all other compounds

2.5.2 Subatomic particles

Electron - A particle which carries a negative charge, it is smaller than protons and neutrons
Proton - Positively charged particle of an atom which has a mass equal to that of a hydrogen atom
Neutron - A subatomic particle with no electric charge and the same mass as a proton
Radioactivity - The process by which an unstable nucleus of an atom loses energy by emitting ionizing particles or radiation
Element - A substance which cannot be split into two or more simpler substances by any chemical means(ex. carbon, oxygen)
Remember: All chemical reactions involve moving electrons from one element to another. Protons and neutrons never transfer (this only happens in nuclear reactions, not chemical reactions)

2.5.3 Electronic arrangements

1. What is the electronic arrangement for an element with an atomic number of 14?
Step 1: Fill the first shell. The first shell has 2
spaces 2 filled, 12 remaining
Step 2: Fill the second shell. If there are no remaining atoms then you are finished. The second shell has 8 spaces 2:8 filled, 4 remaining
Step 3: Fill the last shell with the remaining atoms. If there are no remaining atoms then you are finished. The last shell has 8 spaces 2:8:4, 0 remaining, therefore the electron arrangement is 2:8:4

2.5.4 Isotope, atomic mass and atomic number

Differentiate between mass number and atomic number -
Mass Number - The sum of the number of protons and neutrons in a nucleus
Atomic Number - The number of protons in the nucleus
Isotopes - Atoms of the same element (same number of protons) and atomic number but a differentnumber of neutrons
1. Boron is known to have two stable isotopes of atomic masses 10.016g and 11.013g. These isotopes
normally exist in nature in proportions of 20% and 80% respectively. From this data, what is the average atomic mass of boron?
The average mass of boron is the sum of the proportions of each isotope
Step 1: Calculate the proportions(NB:Change Percents Into Decimals)
Proportion of isotope 1 = 10.016 * 0.2 = 2.0032
Proportion of isotope 2 = 11.013 * 0.8 = 8.8104
Step 2: Add the proportions together
Average = Proportion of isotope 1 + proportion of isotope 2
Average = (10.016 * 0.2) + (11.013 * 0.8)
Average = 2.0032 + 8.8104
Average = 10.81g
2.204J,206K,207and AM are isotopes of element H whose abundances are 2%, 24%, 22% and X%
respectively. Calculate the abundance of X% and the mass number A of isotope M given that the relative atomic mass of element H is 207
This question is asking for two things. First is the % abundance of  AM and second for the mass number of A. To find the % abundance of  AM you simply calculate the remaining percent by subtracting the
percents given from 100%:
100% - 2% - 24% - 22% = 52%
So the percent abundance is 52%
The following equation represents how the mass number of an element is the average of all isotopes
So the mass number is 208

2.6.0 Periodic Classification

2.6.1 Periodicity and general trends

Periodicity - Refers to the pattern seen in the periodic table resulting from the chemical properties of each element and how they change going down or to the right of the table
Ionization Energy - Is the minimum amount of energy required to remove one mole of electrons from one mole of gaseous atoms or molecules. It decreases down the group in the periodic table
Ionization - The process of gaining or losing electrons from a neutral atom or molecule
Alkali Earth Metals - Elements found in group II in the periodic table, they are soft compared to other metals, have low melting points and are so reactive that they are never found in nature uncombined with other elements. They are powerful reducing agents (they give up an electron easily)
Examples of alkali earth metals - Potassium (K), sodium (Na), lithium (Li)
Halogens - A series of nonmetal elements (group VII and VIIA), which contain all three states of matter at standard temperature and pressure and are highly reactive. Halogens include fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine
Noble Gases - A group of elements which are odorless, colourless and do not react easily with other
substances. This is due to their outer shell being full, so electrons are not shared

2.6.2 Periodicity questions

1. (a) T and K are elements found in the periodic table. The atomic number of T is 16 and K is 19.
(i) In which group and period of the periodic table does the element T appear?
The period and group of an element are determined by filling their valency shells with electrons. The first shell can hold 2 electrons and the 2 nd one holds 8, the 3 rd one holds 8. The remainder represents which group (column) the element belongs to. The period represents how many shells the atom has.
Since T has 16 electrons, we start by filling the first two valency shells with the remainder going into the third shell  2:8:6
Since the remainder is 6, the element T is found in group 6. We filled electrons up until the 3 rd shell, so this means it is in the 3 rd period. The 2, 8 and 6 represent the three shells, with the 1 st and 2 nd ones being full and the remainder in the outer shell.
Group of T is 6 and the period is 3
(ii) Is element T a metal or non-metal?
It is a non metal because it is found in group 6.
(iii) Write a molecular formula of a compound formed between T and K
To find this we must find the group of element K. Element K fills its valency shells like 2:8:8:1, therefore it is in group 1. Group 1 has a +1 charge, while element T which is in group 6 has a -2 charge. Therefore it requires two element K’s per element T.
Molecular formula: K2T
(b) (i) Which particles are atoms of the same element in the list given?  
18A40,18C38-because they both have an atomic number of 18. The bottom number represents the atomic number (number of protons) and the top number represents its mass (neutrons + protons). A and C are isotopes of the same element
(ii) Give the electronic configuration of sodium and neon if the atomic number of sodium is 11 and neon is 10
Sodium - 2:8:1
Neon - 2:8
(iii) Why can’t neon react with sodium?
This is because neon’s outer shell is full making it a noble gas, so it cannot form covalent bonds. The first shell can hold 2 electrons, the 2 nd holds 8 and the 3 rd holds 8. All noble gases have their outer shells full.

2.7.0 Formula bonding and nomenclature

2.7.1 Valence and chemical formulae

Chemical Equation - Representation of reactants and products in a chemical reaction
Empirical Formula - A formula of a compound which shows the simplest whole number ratio between each element in a compound (ex. H2O)
Molecular Formula - Is a formula which shows the actual number of atoms present in a compound
Valency - The ability of an atom to combine with other atoms. It represents the number of electrons an atom can gain, lose or share by forming bonds with another element
Electronegativity - The ability of an atom to attract electrons towards it
Electropositivity-The ability of an atom to donate/loose/give electrons towards another atom
Ion - An atom or molecule where the total number of electrons is not equal to the total number of protons resulting in a positive or negative electrical charge
Ionic Compound - A type of compound formed by two or more atoms by electron transfer from one atom toanother (ex. Na++Cl-=NaCl)

2.7.2 Oxidation state

Oxidation Number - Indicates the number of electrons that a particular element has lost gained or shared when forming a compound
Variable Valency - Represents elements that have more than one valency (ex. Fe 2+ or Fe 3+ )

2.7.3 Radicals

Radical - Is a group of atoms that exist in several compounds but cannot exist on their own (ex.SO42- )

2.7.4 Covalent bonding

Types of bonds - Covalent, ionic (electrovalent), metallic, dative (dipolar)
Covalent Bond - Characterized by the sharing of pairs of electrons between atoms
Examples of covalent bonds - Bonding between hydrogen and bromine
Ionic (Electrovalent) Bond - A bond formed by the attraction between two oppositely charged ions.
This usually involves a metal and a nonmetal ion, when a metal loses an electron and the nonmetal
accepts them
Examples of ionic bonds - NaCl
Metallic Bond - The electromagnetic interaction between metals and electrons
Examples of metallic bonds - Metals like zinc
Dative (Coordinate, Dipolar) Bonding - A type of bonding where both shared electrons come from the same atom (ex. CO)
Why covalent compounds do not conduct electricity - Because covalent compounds have no free ions which are necessary for carrying electric current in molten or solution form

2.7.5 Electrovalent bonding

Electrovalent Bond - Formed between two oppositely charged ions, usually between a metal and nonmetal
Differentiate between electrovalent and covalent compounds -
Electrovalent Compound
•  Usually crystalline solid
•  Have high melting points
•  Generally soluble in water
•  Generally insoluble in organic solvents
•  Conduct electricity when in molten or solution form
Covalent Compound
•  Often liquids or gases
•  Have low melting points
•  Generally insoluble in water
•  Generally soluble in organic solvents
•  Do not conduct electricity

2.7.6 Valency questions

1. What is the IUPAC name of H2SO3 ?
The total charge of the molecule must be 0. This means that the sum of all parts must equal zero. By
looking at the periodic table we see that H is +1 and O3 is -2. We are looking for the charge of S, since it is sulphuric acid
Given: Charge of H2 = +1 * 2 = +2
Charge O3 = -2 * 3 = -6
Charge of S = ?
2 - 6 + S = 0
S = 4
Therefore the answer is Sulphuric (iv) acid
2. (a) Draw an electron diagram to show the covalent bonding between hydrogen and chlorine in a hydrogen chloride gas molecule
Electron diagrams show how two atoms form a covalent bond in a molecule. First you must think about how many outer electrons there will be for each of the atoms. This is done by looking at the periodic table. Hydrogen is found in the first column; therefore it has 1 electron in its outer shell. Chlorine is in the 7 th column; therefore it has 7 electrons in its outer shell. The left side of the equation shows both of these atoms. Two different symbols are used to show the electrons of the two atoms. Circles represent hydrogen and crosses represent chlorine.
Since chlorine has one open place to take an electron and hydrogen has one to share, they will form a
covalent bond.
(ii) Explain why covalent compounds do not conduct electricity - Covalent compounds have no free
ions which are necessary for carrying electric current in molten or solution form
(b) What is the oxidation state of a Fe particle in a FeCl3 molecule?
We know that chlorine lies in the 7 th column. This indicates that it carries a charge of -1, meaning that it is able to share one electron from another atom. Since there are 3 chlorine atoms attached to the Fe atom,this means that the charge must be +3. Mathematically it is represented like this:

Form 3 Topics

3.1.0 Molecular and Ionic Equations

3.1.1 Molecular Equations

1. What is the formula of the compound formed by element M of group III and element X of group VI?
To solve this problem you must know the valency of elements in each group. Group I always has a +1 valency while group VII has a -1 valency. Group VIII has no valency since they are noble gases and do not react with other elements. Since it is asking about group III and VII, we need to think about how the valencies change. If it is +1 in group I, then you have to add 2 more to get to group III, making element M +3. Since element X is in group VI which is one less than group VII, we subtract 1 to get a -2 valency
Step 1: Find valencies
Element M (Group III) = +3
Element X (Group VI) = -2
Step 2: Find number of atoms in the compound.
We need the valencies to add to zero, so we multiply valencies of the individual elements by a positive whole number to get +6 and -6
Element M: +3*2=+6
Element X: -2*3=-6
Therefore, there are 2 atoms of element M and atoms of element X in the compound. This gives the
formula M2X3
2. 2F was required to deposit one mole of metallic element M from an aqueous solution of its salt. If element M has no variable valency, what is the empirical formula of its phosphate?
Given: 1F = 1 mole of e-
Therefore M requires 2 moles of e- (2F = 2 moles of e - )
So M is M2+ , note that it is + because it is a metallic element
PO4 is always -3
Step 1: Find valencies
Element M=+2
PO4 = -3
Step 2: Find number of atoms in the compound.
We need the valencies to add to zero, so we multiply valencies of the individual elements by a positive whole number to get +6 and -6
Element M: +2*3=+6
PO4 :-3*2=-6
Therefore, there are 3 atoms of element M and 2 atoms of PO4 in the compound. This gives the
formula M3(PO4)2
3. An oxide of iron, 4.5g by mass, was completely reduced by heating it in a certain reducing agent and 3.15g of iron was produced. Calculate the empirical formula of the compound
To calculate the empirical formula of a compound, you must first find the ratio between the atomic mass and mass given in the problem for each element. Then you take the ratio and divide both by the smallest value to get the numbers used to form the equation
Step 1: Calculate the mass of oxygen. Subtract the mass of the iron from the iron oxide
4.5g - 3.15g = 1.35g of oxygen
Step 2: Find the ratio between the mass of
Step 3: Write the chemical equation using these
numbers oxygen and the atomic mass
Relative atomic masses:
Fe= 3.15/56=0.05625
Step 4: Divide both ratios by the smallest ratio
Smallest ratio: Fe=0.05625
Step 5: Since we cannot have fractions in a chemical equation, you must multiply by 2 to get whole numbers
Step 6: Combine these to form the final formula
4. Balance the equation and then say what type of chemical reaction is represented by this equation
 Zn(NO3)2(s)→ZnO(s) +NO2(g)+O2(g)
This is an example of a decomposition reaction because the original substance has been broken down
into its constituent (simpler) substances. Since atoms are not consumed in chemical reactions, the total of each element on each side of the equation must be the sameStep 1: See if the equation is balanced
L Side          R Side
     Zn  1              Zn  1
       N  2                N  1
       O  6                O  5
They are not balanced
Step 2: Choose a number to multiply the left side by to begin trying to balance the equation. Two is a good number to begin with. In this case we chose 2, but if two does not work, we can choose 3 or 4 and so on until the equation balances. If  there is more than one molecule on the left side, start with one, then the other, then both and so on
This gives us the following table (note that the right side has not changed yet):
L Side      R Side
      Zn  2         Zn  1
       N  4           N  1
       O  12         O  5
Step 3: Now think of what we can multiply the molecules on the right side by to equal the values on the left side.
In this case we can multiply zinc by 2 and nitrogen by 4.
Since you cannot multiply 5 by a whole number to get 12, we will look at oxygen last. Hopefully by balancing zinc and nitrogen, oxygen will balance as well
 2ZnO4+ NO2+O
Gives us this table:
L Side     R Side
      Zn  2       Zn  2
        N  4        N  4
        O  12      O  12
Step 4: Now we see that we have balanced the equation, so we can now just combine the two sides to get the final formula
2Zn(NO3)2(s)→2ZnO(s) +4NO2(g)+O2(g)
5. Determine the empirical formula of a substance that has the following composition by mass: 49.5% manganese and 50.5% oxygen
Given: Percentage composition Mn - 49.5%
Percentage composition O - 50.5%
Atomic mass Mn - 55
Atomic mass O - 16
Step 1: Calculate ratio between % composition and atomic mass for each element. To find the empirical formula, you have to find the ratio between each component. This is found by dividing the percentage oxygen is the lowest, we will use it as the base value for calculating the empirical formula. The value for Mn will be divided by the value for oxygen to see how many more atoms there are composition by the atomic mass.
%Composition Mn/Mass Atomic Mn=49.50/55= 0.9
 %Compositio O/Mass Atomic O=50.50/16=3/16 
Step 2: Find the ratio between Mn and O atoms in the compound. Since the value for in the compound
Step 3: Calculate the final formula. Since there is a decimal value for oxygen, we must multiply it by 2 to get a whole number. In the process we must multiply the Mn by 2 also. This gives us 2 Mn atoms for every 7 O atoms, therefore the empirical formula will be Mn2O7

3.1.2 Ionic Equations

1. Write the ionic equation for
Step 1: Write all ions of the equation separately
Ag++NO3-+ H++Cl-→AgCl+H++NO3-
Step 2: Cancel spectator ions. If you see an ion on both sides of the equation, cancel them
Ag++NO3-+ H++Cl-→AgCl+H++NO3-
Step 3: Write the ionic equation with the remaining reactants and products

3.1.3 Mass problems

1. The mass of anhydrous Copper (II) Sulphate produced by heating 50g Copper (II) Sulphate hydrated (CuSO4·5H2O) is -
This question is asking about the weight of the Copper (II) sulphate without the water. Once it is heated, the water will evaporate, leaving only CuSO4 . If we find the ratio between anhydrous and hydrated CuSOand then multiply it by the grams of hydrated CuSO4 , we will get the grams of CuSO4 . The ratio represents the percentage of CuSO4 in CuSO4 ·5H2O
Atomic masses: H = 1, C = 12, O = 16, S = 32, Cu = 63.5
Step 1: Find weights of each compound
CuSO4 ·5H2O=(159.5)+5*((1*2)+16) = 249.5g
Step 2: Find the ratio between the two compounds
Step 3: Multiply the ratio by the original mass
Another simpler example of this type of question is as follows:
What is the weight of oxygen in 180g of water(H2O)?
Since the weight of H2O is 18(16+1*2) and oxygen on its own is 16, we can get a simple ratio of
oxygen to water
16/18=0.88 we can take this and multiply it by the original grams of water (180g) to get 160g of oxygen
2. What is the loss in mass when 100g of calcium carbonate is strongly heated to a constant mass?
This question is asking what the remaining mass will be after burning has released CO2 gas and left
behind a solid precipitate.
By looking at the equation we see that there is just one mole of CO2 created in this reaction, so the
answer is simply the molar mass of CO2 
CO2=12+(16*2)= 44g
3. A certain type of soil requires 40kg of nitrogen per litre in order to fulfill its requirements for nitrogen. Calculate in kg the quantity of ammonium sulphate (NH4 )2SO4 fertilizer required to meet this demand
Step 1: Find the molar mass of (NH4 )2SO4
N = 14 x 2 = 28
H = 1 x 4 x 2 = 8
S = 32 x 1 = 32
O = 16 x 4 = 64
Molar mass = 28+8 + 32 + 64 = 132
Step 2: Find the grams of nitrogen required
40 kg =  g of N required
188.57 kg of  (NH4 )2SO4 will be required

3.2.0 Hardness of Water

3.2.1 Concept, types and treatment of hard water

Temporary hardness of water - Is due to dissolved calcium hydrogen carbonate Ca(HCO3)2 and can be softened by boiling the water. Hard water requires more soap for washing because the soap reacts with the minerals to form scum. Chemical equation of this is:the minerals to form scum. Chemical equation of this is:
Permanent hardness of water - Is due to dissolved sulphates of calcium and magnesium and cannot be softened by boiling. Chemical equation of this is:
Methods of water treatment - Filtration, precipitation of mineral salts calcium hydroxide, chlorination,fluoridation
Detergent can form lather even in hard water

3.3.0 Acids, Bases, and Salts

3.3.1 Acids and bases

pH - The measure of the acidity or basicity of a solution, where 7.0 is neutral. Anything over 7.0 is
considered a base and anything below 7.0 is considered an acid. The scale is from 1-14
Base/Alkali - A substance which forms hydroxyl ions (OH - ) when dissolved in water. Concentrated
solutions are caustic. Have pH of 7.1 - 14
Strong Base - A base which completely ionizes in an aqueous solution (ex potassium hydroxide (KOH),sodium hydroxide (NaOH))
Weak Base - A base which slightly ionizes in a dilute aqueous solution (ex ammonia (NH3 ))
Basicity of an base - The measure of how basic a base is (ex. how high the pH is, 8 is slightly basic,
14 is highly basic)
Basic Solution - Occurs when a solution has a surplus of hydroxyl (OH- ) ions
Acid - A compound that when dissolved in water gives a pH of less than 7.0. Turns blue litmus paper red. The give up hydrogen ions (H+ )
Strong Acid - An acid which ionizes completely in an aqueous solution (ex hydrochloric acid (HCl),
sulfuric acid (H2SO4 ), hydrobromic acid (HBr))
Weak Acid - An acid which slightly ionizes in a dilute aqueous solution to give hydrogen ions (H+) (ex acetic acid (CH3COOH))
Acidity of an acid - The measure of how acidic an acid is (ex how low the pH is, 6 is slightly acidic, 1 is highly acidic)
Acidic Solution - Occurs when a solution has a surplus of hydrogen ions (H + )
Neutralization - A type of chemical reaction where an acid and a base react to form water and a salt
Acids turn blue litmus red and bases turn red litmus blue

3.3.2 Indicators

*Found in the volumetric analysis section 3.5.0

3.3.3 Salts

Acidic Salt - Salts which contain replaceable hydrogen because not all of their hydrogen was replaced by metal (e.g. NaHSO4 )
Salt - A chemical substance formed when either all or part of the ionizable hydrogen of an acid is replaced by a metallic ion or ammonium ion
Soluble Salts - Salts which dissolve in water
Insoluble Salts - Salts which do not dissolve in water
Sparing Soluble Salts - Salts which do not dissolve in water, but can with an increase in temperature
Comparison of deliquescence and efflorescence -
Deliquescence - The tendency of a salt to absorb water from the atmosphere and form a solution (e.g.
calcium chloride (CaCl2 )
Efflorescence - The tendency of a salt to loose its water to the atmosphere (e.g. sodium carbonate
(Na2CO3 )
Normal salt is a compound where all ionizable hydrogen has been replaced

3.4.0 Mole Concept

3.4.1 Mole as a unit of measurement

Stoichiometry - Is the quantitative relationship of reacting substances
Mole - Is the measurement of the amount of substance containing Avogadro’s number of particles (6.02 x1023 particles). This is the same number of particles as the number of atoms contained in 12g of carbon-12
Avogadro’s Number - Number of atoms in one mole of any gas at STP (6.02x1023 )
Atomicity - The total number of atoms present in one molecule of substance (ex. 2 hydrogen atoms in H2O)
Molar Mass - Represents the mass of something per amount of substance (ex. the mass of C in CO2 )
Molar Solution - Is a solution that contains one mole of solute in one dm 3 or one litre
Molarity (Molar Concentration) - Is the amount of solute per volume of solution
Molar Volume of Gases - The volume occupied by one mole of the gas at STP
Vapour Density - The mass of a certain volume of the vapour gas compared with the mass of the same volume of hydrogen at the same temperature
Amount of substance n=m/M=volume of substance/molar volume
2 ×Vapour density =mass of 1 molecule of gas/mass of 1atom of H  (Note it is 2 x vapour density because hydrogen gas is diatomic (there are two atoms of hydrogen in H2 )

3.4.2 Application of the mole concept

1. What is the molarity of a solution containing 26.5g of anhydrous sodium carbonate in 5dm3 of solution?
Given: 26.5g anhydrous sodium carbonate (Na2CO3 ) 5dm3 solution
Atomic masses: O = 16, Na = 23, C = 12
The equation for molarity is:
Molarity =Concentration(g/dm3)/MolarMass (g/mol)
The equation for concentration is:
Step 1: Find the concentration
Concentration=26.5/5=5.3 g/dm3
Step 2: Find the molar mass of Na2CO3
Na2CO3 = (2*23)+12+(16*3)=106g
Step 3: Calculate molarity
 Molarity=Concentration/Molar mass
The question can also be asked like this:
What mass of pure sulphuric acid is found in 400cmof its 0.1M aqueous solution?
GivenVolume = 400cm3 or 0.4dm3 sulphuric acid H2SO4
Molarity = 0.1M
Step 1: Calculate molar mass of H2SO4
H2SO4 = (1*2)+32+(16*4)=98g
Step 2: Calculate concentration
Step 3: Calculate mass
Mass=Conc x Volume. 
Mass=9.8 x 0.4=3.92g

2. The sample containing the greatest number of atoms is:
a. 6g of hydrogen atoms
b. 6g of sulphur atoms
c. 6g of carbon atoms
d. 6g of oxygen atoms
e. 6g of helium atoms The answer is a) because hydrogen is the lightest substance, therefore it takes more hydrogen atoms to weigh 6g than it does for heavier elements like sulphur or even helium
3. What is the mass of 11.2dm3 of ammonia gas at STP?
Given: 11.2dm3 of ammonia gas (NH3 )
Atomic masses: H = 1, N = 14
Formula to calculate moles of a gas at STP:
Moles=Volume(dm3)/Molar volume(dm3/mol)
Molar volume=22.4dm3
(Only works at STP)
Step 1: Calculate number of moles of
n=11.2/22.4=0.5 moles
Step 2: Calculate molecular mass of NH3
NH3= (14+(1*3))=17
Step 3: Calculate mass by multiplying by the molecular mass of NH3 by the number of moles
4. Ethyl alcohol has a molecular formula of C2H6O. If 9.2g of ethyl alcohol is available, calculate the
(i) Number of molecules of ethyl alcohol in 9.2g of ethyl alcohol
This question is about molar conversions. To solve these types of problems you must first find the weight of the molecule. To do this you first find the atomic weight of each element then multiply that by the number of atoms of that element which are present in the molecule. Then you add all of these together to get the molar mass. Then you divide the mass given in the problem by the molar mass to get the number of moles. To find the number of molecules, you must multiply the number of moles by Avogadro’s constant
Step 1: Find the molar mass of C2H6O.
First find the masses of each element in the molecule
C=12 H=1  O=16
C=12 x 2  H=1 x 6  O=16x1
C=24 H=6  O=16
Step 2: Sum each element to find the molar mass
24 + 6 + 16 = 46 g/mol
Step 3: Divide the mass given in the problem by the molar mass to find the number of moles
Num of Moles =9.2/46=0.2 moles
Step 4: Calculate the number of molecules by multiplying the number of moles from step 3 by
Avogadro’s constant
Avogadro’s constant = 6.02 x 1023
N=0.2 x (6.02 x 1023)
N = 1.204 x 1023 molecules
(ii) Percentage by weight of oxygen in 9.2g of ethyl alcohol
Since we calculated the molar mass of the molecule earlier, we can use it to solve this problem. Out of the 46 g/mol, we know that 16g of it is oxygen, therefore 16/46 of the molecule is oxygen. Then we simply multiply this fraction (which represents the percentage of oxygen in ethyl alcohol) by the total grams of ethyl alcohol to get the weight of oxygen used. Now we can find the percentage by weight by dividing this result by the mass of the compound
Step 1: Write out the variables
O = 16 x 1     Molar Mass of C2H6O = 46
O = 16           Mass given 9.2g of C2H6O
Step 2: Find the fraction of oxygen present in C2H6O
Divide the mass of oxygen by the molar mass of the compound. Multiply this by 9.2g to get the mass of oxygen by weight of C2H6O
Mass=16/46×9.2=3.2g of oxygen in C2H6O
Step 3: Calculate the percent weight. Divide the mass of oxygen by the total mass given in the problem
5. (a) How many hydrogen atoms are there in 2.57x10 -6 g of hydrogen?
Number of Atoms N=Mass m × Avogadro's constant La
N=(2.57×10 6)×(6.02×1023)
This solution was simple because we are dealing with molecular hydrogen (H2 ), if it was a compound, we would have to account for each element separately
(b) Ammonium sulphate combines with sodium hydroxide solution to produce sodium sulphate. With the aid of a balanced chemical equation calculate the mass of sodium hydroxide that would combine with 52g of ammonium sulphate
(NH4)2SO4(aq)+2NaOH(aq) →NaSO4(aq)+2H2O(l)+2NH3(g)   
Atomic masses: N = 14, H = 1, S = 32, O = 16, Na = 23
Step 1: Find the atomic masses of the two
Atomic mass of (NH4)2SO4 = ((14+(1*4)*2)+(32+(16*4))=132g
Atomic mass of 2NaOH = 2*(23+16+1)=80g
Note that we multiply by 2 because in the chemical equation there are 2NaOH molecules for every  (NH4)2SOmolecule
Step 2: Find the ratio between the atomic mass of sodium hydroxide and the atomic mass of ammonium sulphate
Atomic mass of 2NaOH/Atomic mass of (NH4)2SO4
Step 3: Multiply the ratio by the grams of ammonium sulphate to get the grams of sodium hydroxide
The amount of sodium hydroxide is 31.52g
6.20 cm3 of a solution containing 7g/dm3 of metal hydroxide, XOH, were exactly neutralized by 25cm3 of 0.10M hydrochloric acid
(a) Write a balanced chemical equation for the neutralization of the metal hydroxide XOH and hydrochloric acid
(b) Calculate the concentration of the metal hydroxide XOH in moles per dm3
Data Given: VB=20 cm3
Concentration of B = 7g/dm3
Use MBVB = MAVA instead of the dilution law because NA and NB equal 1
(c) Calculate the molar mass of X
Molarity M=Conc(g/dm3)/Molar mass(g/mol)
Molar mass(g/mol)=Conc(g/m3)/Molarity(mol/dm3)
Molar mass=7/0.125=56g/mol
(d) Identify the element X
Mass of X = (Mass of XOH) - (mass of O + mass of H)
Mass of X = 56 - (16 + 1)
Mass of X = 39
Potassium has an atomic number of 39, therefore X is potassium
7. (a) What would be the molarity of a solution if 46g of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) were dissolved in 2000cm3 of solution?
Data Given: Volume: 2000cm3 or 2dm3
Mass: 46g
Atomic masses: Na=23, O=16, H=1
Mass of NaOH: 23 + 16 + 1 = 40g
Step 1: Find the concentration
Step 2: Find the molarity
M=Conc/Molar mass 
(b) 8.50g of a sample of iron required just 75cm3 of 3.0MHCl to dissolve it to give a neutral solution.Calculate the percentage purity of the iron sample
Given: 8.5g impure iron
Volume: 75cm3 of 3.0MHCl
Molar mass of Fe=56
Purity Formula:
%Purity=pure mass/impure mass×100%
The mass of impure iron was given, so we need to find the mass of pure iron. We get the mass of pure iron by calculating the number of moles of iron used and multiply this by the molar mass.
Mass of iron =moles×molar mass
We know the molar mass of Fe is 56, so we now need to find the number of moles of Fe present. It is
going to be half of the number of HCl moles used because the formula shows that for every two molecules of HCl used in the reaction, one molecule of Fe is used.
Moles of HCL used=Molarity×Volume   
nHCL=0.225/2=0.1125 Moles
Now we have all of the information needed to solve the problem  .
Iron mass=Moles×Molar mass

3.5.0 Volumetric Analysis (Titration)

3.5.1 Standard volumetric apparatus

Methyl Orange (MO) - An indicator used in titrations. Acid - red, neutral - orange, base - yellow. pH range is 4.0-6.0
Phenolphthalein (POP) - An indicator used in titrations. Base - pink, neutral - colourless. pH range is 8.3-10.0
Suitable indicators for titration -
Strong acid against a strong base - Methyl orange (MO) or Phenolphthalein (POP)
Strong base against a weak acid - Phenolphthalein (POP)
Weak base against a strong acid - Methyl orange (MO)
Weak acid against weak base - None

3.5.2 Standard solutions

Standard Solution - Describes a solution with a known concentration expressed in molarity (M). They are used in titration to determine the concentration of a substance in a solution

3.5.3 Volumetric calculations

Titration (Volumetric Analysis) - A method used in a laboratory to determine the concentration of a
1. A solution of sodium carbonate was prepared in order to get a 2M solution. 200cm3 of this solution was used in a titration experiment.
What will be the number of moles present in 200cm3 of 2M solution used in
the titration?
Given Data: Molarity=2M solution of sodium carbonate (Na2CO3 )
Volume = 200 cm3 or 0.2 dm3 solution
Atomic masses: O=16, C=12, Na=23
Step 1: Calculate the molar mass of Na2CO
Na2CO3 =(23*2)+12+(16*3)=106g
Step 2: Calculate the concentration and Mass
Conc=Molarity×Molar mass
Step 3: Find number of moles
n=42.4/106=0.4 Moles
2. Washing soda has a formula Na2CO3·H2O. 7.15g of hydrated sodium Carbonate was dissolved to make 250cm3 of solution 25.0 cm3 of this solution was titrated with 0.25M Hydrochloric acid (0.25 mol per litre or 1000cm3 ) using screened methyl orange indicator. The end point was reached when exactly 20.0cm3 of the acid was added.
(2a) How do you know that the end point of the titration has been reached?
It is indicated by the colour change of the methyl orange from yellow to orange.
Yellow - base, orange -neutral, red/pink - acid
(2b) Find the number of moles of hydrochloric acid used in this titration
Given: 0.25 moles of HCl initially
20cm3 volume of acid used
1000 cm3 volume of the whole solution
We need to find what percentage of the HCl was used in this titration. Since we know that 20cm3 of the volume was used and there was 1000 cm3 volume initially, the percentage will be 20/1000. We then multiply this percentage by the original moles of HCl present to get the amount of HCl used
MolHCL=0.25×20/1000=0.005 Moles
(2c) Find the concentration of sodium carbonate in moles per litre
To find the concentration of sodium carbonate we simply use the dilution law and solve for MB , which is the molarity of the base
Dilution Law:
Given: MA = 0.25M
VA = 20 cm3
NB = 1
VB = 25 cm3
NA = 2

MB = ?
Step 1: Solve for M B
MB=0.1M ,therefore the concentration of sodium carbonate is
0.1 moles/litre because M represents molarity
(2d) Find the formula mass of Na2CO3·nH2O
Given: Molarity = 0.1M
Concentration = 28.6 g/dm3
Calculate the molar mass from the Molarity equation
(2e) Find the number of molecules of water of crystallization in hydrated sodium carbonate
Given: H=1, C=12, O=16, Na=23
Mass of Na2CO3·nH2O = 286g
Simply solve for n algebraically
3. Samples of sodium hydroxide solution of unknown concentration were titrated against 0.2M ethanoic acid and the results are as tabulated below:
Volume of pipette used = 10cm
Burette Readings (cm3)               Pilot        1         2          3
Final Reading                             21.50     45.05  30.00  40.00
Initial Reading                              1.00     25.00  10.05  20.00
(3a) Find the average volume of the acid used
You do not include the pilot when finding the average. Only use 1, 2 and 3
(3b) If the chemical equation of the reaction is
Calculate the Molarity of the sodium hydroxide solution and its concentration in g/dm3
Dilution Law:
VA=20 cm3
VB=10 cm3
Step 1: Solve for M B
(3c) (i) Name the most suitable indicator for this reaction
POP (Phenolphthalein) because it is a titration of a weak acid against a strong base
(ii) If the indicator you named in (III) above was used, what would be the colour change at the end point of the titration
The colour change will be from pink to colourless. POP starts pink in a base solution and becomes
colourless when in a neutral solution
4. A solution of HCl contains 3.6g of the acid in 1dm3 of solution. 20cm3 of this solution is neutralized by sodium carbonate solution in which 1.1g of the carbonate is dissolved in 100cm3 of solution.
(4a) Calculate the mole ratio for the reaction
NA/NB=2/1=Mole Ratio
There are two HCl molecules for every 1 Na2CO3 molecule, therefore the ratio is 2:1
(4b) Calculate the molarities of the acid and carbonate solution
For the acid:
Given: Concentration =3.6g/dm3
Atomic Masses =Cl=35.5, H=1
Molar Mass =35.5+1=36.5g
For the carbonate:
Given: Concentration = 11g/dm3 because the concentration was given in 100cm3 not 1000cm3
Atomic Masses=Na=23, C=12, O=16
Molar Mass=Na2CO3 =(2*23)+12+(16*3)=106g
(4c) Calculate the volume of the carbonate solution used
Given: MA=0.1M
VA=20cm 3
NA=2 (Note that the number is 2 because the ratio between NA and NB  as shown in part a is 2:1)
VB= ?
Step 1: Rearrange the dilution law for VB
Step 2: Solve for VB

3.6.0 Electrolysis

3.6.1 Ionic theory

Electrolyte - A substance which when in molten or solution state conducts an electric current and is
decomposed by it
Examples of electrolytes - Salts, acids, alkali
Strong Electrolyte - Dissociates completely in water to form positive or negative ions
Weak Electrolyte - Dissociates partially in water so that most of the molecules remain undissociated
Conductor - Any substance in solid form that allows the passage of an electric current
Coulomb - Is a unit of electric charge. One coulomb is the amount of electric charge transported in one second by a steady current of one ampere

3.6.2 Mechanism of electrolysis

Electrolysis - Is the decomposition of an electrolyte due to the passage of an electric current through it
Electrochemical Equivalent - The mass of a substance or element liberated during electrolysis by one coulomb (or 1 ampere in 1 second) of electricity
Electrode - A piece of conductor metal or graphite through which electrons enter or leave an electrolyte
Oxidizing Agent - Substance that causes oxidation but itself is said to be reduced at the end of the
reaction. Oxidizing agents are generally nonmetals since they accept an electron
Reducing Agent - An element or compound in a redox reaction that reduces another compound or element.
Reducing agents are generally metals since they donate an electron when forming an ionic bond
Cathode - Is the negative electrode used in electrolysis. This is where you place the item that you want to cover with a metal during electroplating. This is the electrode where electric current enters the electrolyte because current moves from positive to negative (electrons move from negative to positive)
Cation - A positively charged ion that gets discharged at the cathode during electrolysis, formed when metals lose electrons. The discharge of cations from the cathode during electrolysis is reduction
Examples of cations - Na+ , NH4+ , Ca2+ , Fe2+ , Fe3+ , Cu2+ , Zn2+ , Pb2+
Ionic equation of cathode -X+e−→X−, X is reduced
Anode - Is the positive electrode used in electrolysis
Anion - A negatively charged ion that gets discharged at the anode during electrolysis
Examples of anions - Rust, CO32- , HCO3-, NO3-, SO42- , Cl-
Ionic equation of anode -X−→X+e−, X is oxidized
Factors affecting the selection of ion discharge at electrodes - Concentration of the competing ions,position of the ion on the electrochemical series, nature of electrode used
Example of oxidizing - Cu +Cu 2+ , electron is lost, therefore the charge increases by +1
Example of reduction - Cu+Cu, electron is gained, therefore the charge decreases by -1

3.6.3 Laws of electrolysis

Faraday’s 1 st law of electrolysis - The mass of a substance dissolved from an electrode is proportional to the quantity of electricity passing through the electrolyte (M = ZQ)
Faraday’s 2 nd law of electrolysis - When the same quantity of electricity is passed through solutions of different electrolytes, the amount of the elements deposited is proportional to the chemical equivalents of the elements
The amount of an element liberated by electrolysis depends upon current and time taken to complete the process

3.6.4 Application of electrolysis & questions

Electroplating - Is the process of coating metallic objects with a layer of another metal by using electrolysis
Uses of electroplating - Covering a metal so that it becomes abrasion and wear resistant, resists
corrosion (rusting), becomes more lubricated, gains aesthetic qualities
1. When a current of 5A is passed through molten aluminum chloride for 3.5 hours, what will be the number of coulombs?
We use the formula for calculating coulombs (quantity of electricity)
Coulombs (C) = Current (I)×Time (T)
C = IT
Note that time must be in seconds
Given: Time (T) = 3.5 hours
Current (I) = 5A
Step 1: Calculate time in seconds
3.5 hours×60 minutes×60 seconds = 12600 secs
Step 2: Calculate coulombs
C = IT
C = 5×12600
C = 63000 Coulombs (C)
2. A light bulb uses a current of 0.6 amps. How many Faradays will be used by this light each hour?
This question is asking for the quantity of electricity in Faradays. Quantity of electricity can be calculated in Coulombs first using Q = It, where I is current and t is time in seconds. Then we can use the definition of a Faraday which is 1F = 96500C to solve for the number of Faradays.
Given: I = 0.6 A
t = 1 hour×60 mins×60 secs = 3600 secs
1F = 96500C
Step 1: Calculate Coulombs used
Q = It
Q = 0.6×3600
Q = 2160 Coulombs
Step 2: Calculate Faradays used

3. The apparatus shown below was used in an electroplating experiment with an iron know with
(i) Which electrode is the cathode?
The cathode is the iron knife
(ii) Write ionic equations to represent the reactions taking place at the electrodes
At the cathode:
At the anode:
(iii) A which electrode was the reduction taking place?
The reduction took place at the cathode (iron knife electrode)
4. A sample of impure silver with a mass of 3.45g was used as the anode during an electrolysis purifying
process. The cathode was made up of pure gold with a mass of 6.45g. After the electrolysis the cathode
was found to weight 9.66g
(i) Calculate the number of coulombs of electricity passed.
First we need to think about what is given in the problem and what information will be useful to us. We first write out the masses given in the problem. Since it is a problem calculating coulombs in an
electrolysis process we will have to know the amount of Ag required for 1F and the conversion of F to C
Mass at anode (impure Ag)Ma=3.45g
Mass at cathode (gold)Mc= 6.45g
After electrolysis, mass of cathode = 9.66g
108g of Ag = 1F
Now we can begin to solve the problem
Step 1: Calculate the amount of Ag deposited at the cathode. Subtract the original mass from the new mass of the cathode
9.66 - 6.45 = 3.21g
Step 2: Calculate the amount of F required.
Divide the grams of Ag deposited at the cathode by the number of grams of Ag required for 1F
Step 3: To calculate the required number of coulombs. Multiply the result of step 2 by 96500
C=0.0297F×96500=2868.19 Coulombs
(ii) What is the percentage purity of the impure silver?
To solve this problem we need to find the amount of Ag transferred which represents pure Ag. This was done in Step 1 above by subtracting the original mass from the new mass at the cathode.
Mass of pure Ag=3.21 Mass of impure Ag=3.45
Now you can divide them, the numerator is the pure Ag and the denominator is the impure Ag.
5. (i) Write a chemical equation for the discharging process at the anode and cathode when dilute sulphuric acid is electrolyzed using platinum electrodes
Dilute sulphuric acid H2SO4
6. This figure represents an experiment where Faraday’s second law was illustrated by connecting in series three cells containing water where dilute sulphuric acid, copper sulphate solution and silver nitrate solution were added. A current of 1 A was passed through the solution for 2 seconds.
The volumes and hence weights of hydrogen and oxygen liberated were calculated. The weight of copper and silver formed by the electrolytes of copper and silver nitrate solutions were also measured
The results of the experiment are shown below:
Element    Current     Time(s)    Mass deposited(g)     Quantity of electricity   Electrochec-equiv-
Hydrogen       1.0          2                  2.0892x10 -5
Oxygen           1.0          2                  1.658x10 -4
Copper           1.0          2                  6.587x10 -4
Silver              1.0          2                   2.236x10 -3
(6a) Calculate the quantity of electricity passed and the electrochemical equivalent of the elements in theb table above
The quantity of electricity is simply found by multiplying the current by the time in seconds. This is
represented by
 Q = IT (Quantity = Current xTime)
Quantity of electricity = Current (I) x Time (T)
Quantity of electricity = 1.0 * 2
Quantity of electricity = 2 Coulombs
To find the electrochemical equivalent you use the formula m=ZQ
m=mass of element
Z=electrochemical equivalent
Q=Quantity of electricity
Since m and Q are given, we can rearrange the equation to Z = m/Q to solve for Z. Only hydrogen is shown, but the process is the same for all
For Hydrogen:
Z=(2.0892×10 −5)/2
Z=1.0446×10 −5 g/C
Element           Quantity of electricity (C)      Electrochemical equivalent
Hydrogen                          2                                   1.0446x10 -5
Oxygen                              2                                        8.29x10 -5
Copper                              2                                    3.2935x10 -4
Silver                                 2                                      1.118x10 -3
(6b) If the Faraday constant is 96500 C, calculate the chemical equivalent of the four elements
Chemical equivlent C=Electrochemical×Fraday's constant 
Ex. Hydrogen
Chemical equivlent C=Electrochemical×Fraday's constant 
C=(1.04461×10 -5)×96500=1.008 C
Element         Chemical  Equivalent (C)
Hydrogen                     1.008
Oxygen                         8.000
Copper                        31.782
Silver                        107.887
(6c) What relationship is there between an electrochemical equivalent of an element and its chemical equivalent?
Chemical Equivalent = Electrochemical Equivalent×Faraday’s Constant

3.7.0 Chemical Reactions and Chemical Equilibrium

3.7.1 Rate of reactions

Chemical Kinetics - The field of study which deals with the rate of chemical reactions
Indicators of reaction - Evolution of gas, colour change, temperature change, precipitation, change in mass
Equilibrium - The state of reaction at which the rate of forward reaction is equal to the rate of backward reaction (ex. the rate of formation of products equals the rate of formation of reactants)
Types of reactions - Decomposition, substitution, reversible, irreversible, catalysis, combination
(synthesis), double displacement, thermal decomposition, oxidation, neutralization, redox
Decomposition - Separation of a compound into simpler compounds or elements (often by heating)
Substitution (Displacement) - A reaction where one reactive element replaces a less reactive one (ex
activation series)
Reversible - One which can proceed in either direction due to varying conditions such as temperature,pressure and concentration
Irreversible - Reactions which proceed in one direction (forward) only no matter what the conditions are
Precipitation - A reaction where an insoluble compound is formed when two solutions are mixed
Catalysis - A reaction where a catalyst is present to speed up the reaction
Combination (Synthesis) - A reaction where two or more elements form a single molecule as a
Double Displacement - A type of reaction where two reactants exchange bonds resulting in products
with similar bonding between them (ex. AgNO3+HClHNO3+AgCl)
Thermal Decomposition - Chemical decomposition of a compound by heat (e.g. decomposition of
water into H2 and O2 at high temperatures)
Oxidation - This reaction is important to animals because it makes chemical energy available to
animals through the Kreb’s cycle (formation of ATP). It involves the transfer of electrons
Neutralization Reaction - Is a reaction between an acid and a base resulting in the formation of a salt and water
Redox (Reduction-oxidation Reaction) - A reaction where one substance is oxidized and the other is reduced (ex combustion, respiration, rusting, corrosion)

3.7.2 Factors affecting rate of chemical reactions

Factors affecting rate of a chemical reaction - Concentration, pressure, temperature, catalyst, surface area of reactant, light (sometimes), nature of the substance (surface area)
Rate of a chemical reaction - The amount of reactions taken per unit of time
Activation Energy - The energy which must be overcome for a chemical reaction to occur. Catalysts lower the activation energy required for a reaction to take place, meaning less energy is needed for the reaction to occur. As the activation energy is lowered, the rate of reaction increases
Catalysts - A chemical substance which changes the speed of a chemical reaction, but itself is not
consumed and remains unchanged chemically and unchanged in mass at the end of the reaction.
Small proportions of catalysts are needed to increase the rate of reaction
Catalysis - The change in rate of a reaction due to the presence of a catalyst
Homogeneous Catalysis Reaction - A sequence of reactions involving a catalyst in the same phase
as the reactants (i.e. they are all gases/solids/liquids)
Heterogeneous Catalysis Reaction - A sequence of reactions involving a catalyst of a different phase than the reactants (i.e. reactants are liquid, catalyst is solid)
Substances with a higher surface area undergo reactions at a faster rate (i.e. powder reacts faster than
granules, and granules react faster than large pieces)

3.7.4 Equilibrium reaction

Le Chatelier’s Principle - If a chemical system at equilibrium experience a change in concentration,
temperature, volume or partial pressure, then the equilibrium shifts to counteract the imposed change
and a new equilibrium is established
Factors affecting the position of equilibrium in a reversible chemical reaction - Temperature, pressure,concentration, catalyst

3.7.5 Endo/exothermic reactions

Endothermic Reaction - A reaction which absorbs energy in the form of heat from the surrounding
environment. Products are favoured by an increase in temperature. Products have higher energy than
the reactants, therefore the products are unstable. The total energy required to break the bonds is
lower than the energy required to form new bonds. Represented by  +H
Examples of endothermic processes - Evaporation of water, photosynthesis
Exothermic Reaction - A reaction which releases energy in the form of heat into the surrounding
environment. The reactants have more energy than the products; therefore the products are more
stable. The total energy required to break the bonds is higher than the energy required to form a new
bond. Represented by  H 
Examples of exothermic reactions - Explosions, condensation of rain from water vapour, mixing
alkalis and acids, mixing water and strong acids, combustion of fuels (coal/wood/charcoal)

3.7.6 Chemical reactions questions

1. Some marble chips (calcium carbonate) were placed in a beaker containing an excess of dilute
hydrochloric acid standing on a reading balance. The mass of the beaker and its contents were recorded every two minutes as shown in the table below
Time (Minutes)  0          2           4           6           8         10        12
Mass (g)        126.44  126.31  126.19  126.09  126.03  126.00  126.00
(a) Why was there a loss of mass?
There was a loss of mass because CO 2 gas was formed during the reaction and released into the air
(b) Write the equation for the reaction
(c) State different ways that the reaction can be speed up
•  You could have used powdered carbonate instead of chips because powdered material has a larger surface area and will react faster than chips which have a smaller surface area
•  Use concentrated HCl instead of dilute HCl
•  Increase temperature
(d) Why did the mass remain constant after 10 minutes?
The reaction ended because all of the marble was used up
(e) Write the name and formula of the two ions remaining in the final solution
The ions remaining are calcium ions (Ca2+) and chloride ions (Cl-)
2. (a) Distinguish between an endothermic and exothermic reaction
Endothermic Reaction - A reaction in which heat is taken or absorbed from the surroundings
Exothermic Reaction - A reaction where heat is given out or released into the surroundings
(2b) Draw a simple graph of the energy profile for an endothermic and exothermic reaction
For an endothermic reaction the heat change is positive. For an exothermic reaction the heat change is
(2c) Name the types of reaction represented by each of the following chemical reactions
(i)2KClO3(s)→KCl+3O2(s)-Catalysis reaction
(ii)Fe(s)+S(s)→FeS(s)-Combination (synthesis) reaction
(iii)AgNO3(aq)+NaCl(aq)→ AgCl(s)+NaNO3(aq)-Double decomposition reaction
(iv)NH4Cl(s)←→NH3(g)+HCl(g) -Thermal decomposition reaction
3. A pupil has carried out three experiments at 20°C to study the rate of reaction between marble chips and hydrochloric acid by observing the rate of creation of carbon dioxide. In each case marble chips of equal masses but of different sizes were used with excess 2.00 M hydrochloric acid. Finally the student showed the results graphically as seen below
(a) Use the graph to answer the following questions
(i) Which experiment gave the fastest reaction?
Experiment 1 gave the fastest reaction since it has the largest slope
(ii) In which experiment did the pupil use the largest size marble chips?
In experiment 3 because the reaction was the slowest due to a lower surface area
(iii) At what time did experiment 2 produce the largest volume of carbon dioxide?
In the first 20 seconds because its slope is the greatest during that period
(iv) What was the volume of carbon dioxide produce at the 30 th second in experiment 1?
Roughly 45 cm 3 was produced. To find this we look at the intersection between 30 seconds and line 1,then read the y axis which is between 40 and 50 cm 3 . This is seen by the dotted line in the graph
(v) Why did the volume of carbon dioxide not increase any further after 130 seconds in experiment 3?
All of the reactants were used up; therefore there could no longer be a reaction
(b) What will happen to the rate of production of carbon dioxide in experiments 1,2 and 3 if excess 3.000M hydrochloric acid is used instead of excess 2.00M hydrochloric acid?
What will happen to the rate of production of carbonic acid?
The rate of the reaction will increase because increasing the concentration of a participating reactant
always increases the rate of reaction

3.8.0 Extraction of metals

3.8.1 Chemical properties of metals

Metal - An element which can ionize by electron loss
Physical properties of metals - They are malleable, ductile, lustrous, sonorous (can produce sound), good conductors of heat and electricity, high tensile strength (can support heavy loads), high melting and boiling points, have high density
Chemical properties of metals - They are reducing agents, are involved in displacement reactions, most can react with an acid to produce a salt, few form compounds with hydrogen, they form electrovalent chlorides
Order of activity series from most reactive to least reactive - K, Na, Ca, Mg, Al, Zn, Fe, Pb, Cu
Reduction - The process of electron loss or a decrease in oxidation number
Reducing Agent - A substance which donates its electrons during the reaction and is said to be oxidized by the end of the reaction
Reducing Power - The easiness of electron donation of an element (metals at the top of the activity series have high reducing power and those at the bottom have lower reducing power)
Metal Extraction - The process of obtaining a pure form of metal from their natural ores
Ore - The natural occurrence of an impure metal compound
Activity Series - A series of metals from highest to lowest which refers to the metals ability to react with acids and water
Reactivity Series - The series of elements in order of increasing electrode potential
Chemically active metals - K, Ca, Na, Mg, Al
Base Metals - Zn, Fe, Pb, Cu
Noble/inert Metals - Ag, Hg, Au
Metals found in nature as true elements - Cu, Hg, Ag, Au (this is because they are the least reactive)
Solvay Process - The major industrial process for the production of sodium carbonate (soda ash)
Coke - A solid carbonaceous residue derived from the destructive distillation of coal
Producer Gas - A fuel gas made from coke or other carbonaceous material
Alloy - A solid solution of two or more metals. The alloy has different properties than the parent metals
Amalgam - An allow of mercury with another metal
Malleability - The degree to which a metal can be deformed without fracturing
Ductility - A property which describes the extent to which a solid can be deformed without fracture by tensile stress
Brittle - Used to describe materials which when subjected to stress will break easily
1. The following elements are arranged in order of an activity series: Na, Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, H, Cu, Hg
From these elements, name:
(i) A metal which react with cold water
Na because it is at the beginning of the activity series and is therefore more reactive
(ii) A metal which burns in steam but does not react with cold water
Ca because they are less reactive than Na so they cannot react with cold water, but they can react with steam since the temperature is higher
(iii) Any other element which reacts when heated in steam
Mg because it is less reactive than Na, but it can react with steam due to the higher temperature
(iv) An element which has oxide which decomposes on heating
Hg because it is the least reactive in the series. It is found very low on the reactivity series
(v) Those elements which do not displace hydrogen from dilute hydrochloric acid
Hg and Cu cannot displace hydrogen because they are found at the bottom of the series and cannot
displace those which are more reactive and higher up in the series
2. (a) Sodium, magnesium, zinc, copper and silver are five metals which appear in this order in the activity series: Sodium being the most reactive and silver being the least reactive. Which one of these metals is
(i) Likely to tarnish most rapidly when exposed to the air
Sodium is most likely to tarnish because it is highly reactive
(ii) Most likely to be found in nature
Silver is most likely to be found in nature because it is the least reactive
(iii) Least likely to react with steam
Silver or copper because they are the least reactive
(b) Two of the metals above are usually extracted by electrolysis of their molten chlorides. Name the two metals and the reason this method is used
Magnesium and sodium are extracted by electrolysis of their molten chlorides. They are extracted by
electrolysis of their molten chlorides because they are highly reactive. If aqueous solutions are used, the H+ and OH- ions would interfere with the discharge in the electrodes, so that process cannot be used
(c) (i) To which electrode will the sodium ions in an aqueous dilute solution of sodium chloride migrate during electrolysis
Since the sodium ions are positive, they will migrate to the cathode
(ii) What other ions will migrate to the cathode?
H+ ions since they are positively charged
(iii) Which ions will be discharged at the anode? Give reasons for your answer
H+ ions will be discharged due to their position in the electrochemical series

3.8.3 Extraction of metals by electrolytic reduction

Metals extracted by electrolytic reduction - K, Na, Ca, Al, Mg
Why these metals are extracted by electrolysis - This is because they are the most reactive metals, so
they are never found as free elements in nature, they are only found in ores
Ways of extracting metals through electrolysis - Reduction of their oxides by carbon (coke) or carbon monoxide, oxidation of their sulphates to form a metal or metal oxide
Extraction of sodium (Na)
Occurrence of sodium - Occurs mainly has a chloride (common salt, NaCl), sodium carbonate, sodium nitrate (saltpeter), sodium chloride (NaCl)
Process of extraction of sodium -
Apparatus - Sodium is extracted by electrolysis in a special cell called Down’s electrolytic cell
Ore Used - NaCl mixed with CaCl2
Down’s Process - Sodium chloride (NaCl) is electrolyzed in a molten state with calcium chloride
(CaCl2) to lower the melting point of NaCl. The outer shell of the cell is made of iron lined with
firebrick and there is a diaphragm of iron gauze screens in the carbon anode from the ring shaped
iron cathode that surrounds it. Chlorine escapes via the hood while the sodium collects in the
inverted trough over the cathode, rises up the pipe and is tapped off through an iron vessel. The
gauze steel wire prevents the mixing of the products of electrolysis
Down’s electrolytic Cell - Cell designed for the extraction of sodium metal from NaCl
Reaction at the cathode - Sodium ions gain an electron and sodium metal is deposited and collected
Reaction at the cathode - Each chloride ion loses an electron to combine with another chloride ion to form chlorine gas which is collected as a useful byproduct
 Cl+e−→ Cl2
Properties of sodium - Soft metal with a silvery appearance, highly electropositive, tarnishes rapidly in air forming the monoxide (Na2O), reacts with water to form the hydroxide (NaOH), the hydroxide reacts with CO2 in air to form sodium carbonate (Na2CO3 ), it is kept in liquid paraffin (kerosene) in the lab
Uses of sodium - As an alloy with lead for use as an antiknock agent in petrol engines, used in the isolation of gold from the metallic ore, to prepare sodium peroxide, as a heat conductor in nuclear reactors, as a vapour in sodium lamps, in making various alloys
Extraction of aluminum
Ores used in extraction - Bauxite, cryolite, corundum, kaolin
Process of aluminum extraction -
Bayer Process - Bauxite is dissolved in sodium hydroxide solution under pressure to form sodium
aluminate (NaAl(OH)4 ). This solution is filtered and then seeded with pure aluminum oxide to
cause the aluminum hydroxide to crystallize in a pure state. Then it is heated in rotary kilns to
produce pure aluminum oxide. The pure aluminum oxide is dissolved in molten cryolite and the
mixture acts as the electrolyte in the cell
At the cathode - Aluminum is then deposited at the cathode which is the carbon lining of the container
 Al3++e−→ Al(s) 
At the anode - Oxygen is evolved at the carbon anode
Uses of aluminum - To make light weight roofing, as household items like saucepans and kettles, in the manufacture of alloys, as an overhead cable, as foil for wrapping food or other products, as a reducing agent in the production of molten iron for welding

3.8.4 Extraction of metals by chemical reduction

Metals extracted by chemical reduction - Zn, Fe, Pb
Why these metals are extracted by chemical reduction - These metals are moderately reactive so they are found as oxides, carbonates or sulphides which are then reduced by carbon or carbon monoxide
Four stages of extraction by chemical reduction - Concentration of the ore, roasting of the ore, reduction, refining
Concentration - Some impurities are separated from the ore by physical means (by hand or washing
with water, or by magnetic means)
Roasting - The concentrated ore is roasted in air at high temperatures to produce the metal oxide
which is easier to reduce to the pure metal than the sulphide or carbonate
Reduction - The oxide is then heated in a furnace in the presence of a reducing agent (usually coke or carbon) to the metal which then must be refined
Refining - The metal with impurities is then purified by electrolysis or other chemical means
Extraction of iron
Ores used in extraction - Hematite (Fe2O3), magnetite (Fe3O4), siderite (FeCO3), limonite (FeO(OH))
Functions of coke - Acts as a reducing agent, produces reducing agent, produces heat energy required for the process
Functions limestone - To remove impurities of silicon dioxide, to produce a reducing agent, formation of slag which is used for road making or fertilizers
Functions of waste gases - Used for preheating the blast furnace, used for steam raising, used for heating coke ovens
Why it is named a blast furnace - Since air is forced in at a high
pressure it is being blasted
2. This figure represents a blast furnace for the extraction of iron from its ore.

(a) (i) Name the ore used for the extraction of iron
Hematite (Fe2O3 ) is the ore commonly used in the extraction of
(ii) What substances are fed into the furnace at point A?
Hematite (Fe2O3 ), limestone (CaCO3), coke (C)
(iii) Name the substance introduced at point C
Hot air
(b) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reactions taking place
at (i) 1500 C  (ii) 700 C  (iii) 250 C
(c) (i)What are the products produced at D and E?
D - Molten slag  E - Molten iron
(ii) Why was CaCO3 added to the blast furnace?
It is added to remove silica (SiO2) impurities after undergoing
(iii) What is the function of CO formed in the blast furnace?
Its function is to reduce Fe2O3 to Fe
(d) Uses of impure iron metal - To manufacture cooking utensils, used to manufacture roofing materials
(e) If 80kg of iron ore (Fe2O3) were allowed to react with carbon monoxide (CO) during the extraction process, how many kilograms of iron (Fe), would be obtained?
Given: 80kg if iron ore Fe2O3
Step 1: Find the equation representing the reaction.
The left side is just the iron ore + carbon monoxide.
The right side will be the products which are iron and the remaining CO. Then balance the equation
Step 2: Calculate the number of moles of Fe2O3 . Since the mass was given in kg, we need to multiply it by 1000 to get it in grams
moles of Fe2O3 =mass of Fe2O3/molar mass of Fe2O3
nFe2O3=(80×1000)/{(56×2)+(16×3)}=500 Moles
Step 3: Calculate the number of moles of Fe. Since there are two atoms of Fe in every molecule of Fe2O3 , you will multiply the moles ofFe2O3 by two get the number of moles of Fe
produced by one mole of Fe2O3
500×2= 1000 moles of Fe produced
Step 4: Multiply the moles of Fe by the atomic weight of Fe
1000×56 = 56000 g or 56kg
Extraction of copper
Ores used in extraction - Copper pyrite (Cu·FeS2 ), malachite (CuCO3)
Why silicon dioxide is added - It is used to remove the impurities of iron (II) oxide by converting it into slag
1. Write the process for the extraction of copper metal from its ore with balanced chemical equations for each step
(i) Roasting of concentrated ore in the air
2Cu·FeS2(s)+4O2(g)→Cu2S(s)+2FeO(s)+3SO2(g) + +   +
(ii) Heating of the roasted ore with silica in the absence of air
(iii) Burning copper sulphide ore Cu2S in with a regulated supply of air
(iv) Purification of copper by electrolysis using copper sulphate solution electrolyte, pure copper cathode and impure copper obtained from the extraction anode
At Anode:
At Cathode:
Uses of copper - As an electrical conductor in copper wires and cables, to make water pipes and boilers,used as a primary component of alloys (brass or bronze), for ornamental work

3.8.5 Environmental consideration

(Not found in exams)

3.9.0 Compounds of metals

3.9.1 Oxides

Oxide - A chemical compound containing at least one oxygen atom as well as at least one other element
Methods of oxide production - Direct, indirect
Direct - The heating of metal directly in air
Indirect - Done by thermal decomposition of carbonates, hydroxides and nitrates (assuming the metal is below in the series
Amphoteric Oxides - React with acids to form normal salts and with bases to form complex salts
Examples of amphoteric oxides - PbO, ZnO, Al 2O3
Uses of metallic oxides - Preparation calcium carbide (CaC2 ), lining of furnaces, formation of slag, drying agent, manufacturing of mortar, manufacturing of cement and plasters

3.9.2 Hydroxides

Hydroxide - A chemical compound containing a hydroxide (OH-) group
Methods of hydroxide preparation -
Direct - Used for soluble hydroxides by the direct combination of metal and water
Indirect - Used for insoluble hydroxides by using a solution of soluble salts with a solution of alkalis
Uses of calcium hydroxide - Cheap laboratory base for preparation of bleaching powder by passing
chlorine over moist calcium hydroxide, used in agricultural operations as a liming material, used to
manufacture mortar, treatment for hard water, manufacturing of paper
Properties of metallic hydroxides - When heated they decompose (except potassium hydroxide and
sodium hydroxide), they form salts and water when reacting with acids
Uses of metal hydroxides - In agriculture it is used to correct soil pH as a liming material, used as a
fertilizer, domestic cleaners, softening of water, used in qualitative analysis, making artificial silk, soap, paper and as a bleaching agent

3.9.3 Carbonates and hydrogen carbonates

Carbonate - A chemical compound containing a carbonate (CO3 ) group
Natural occurrences of calcium carbonate - Chalk, limestone, marble, shells of eggs and sea animals
Preparation of metallic carbonates -
Insoluble Carbonates - Prepared by a precipitation reaction in a salt solution or a solution of alkali
Soluble Carbonates - Prepared by passing excess carbon dioxide gas through a solution of carbonate
Properties of carbonates - Some are soluble some are insoluble, they react with acids to form salt, water and carbon dioxide, they decompose when heated to give a metallic oxide and carbon dioxide (except for potassium carbonate and sodium carbonate), in cold conditions carbonate reacts with magnesium
Uses of carbonates - Softening of water (ex Na2CO3 ), manufacturing of glass, used in qualitative and qualitative analysis, NaHCO3 is used in baking and the removal of grease

3.9.4 Nitrates

Nitrate - A chemical compound containing a nitrate (NO3- ) group
Preparation of nitrates - Usually they are prepared by methods involving crystallization by dissolving a metal, carbonate, oxide or alkali in dilute nitric acid
Properties of nitrates - All nitrates decompose on heating to give products according the reactivity series,all are soluble in water, they are hydrated (except sodium and potassium nitrates)
Test for nitrate - Brown ring test
Uses of nitrates - Used as food preservatives, used as fertilizer (NaNO3 ), used to make photographic film

3.9.5 Chlorides

Chloride - A chemical compound containing a Cl- ion
Preparation of chlorides - By the action of metals with dilute HCl, from lead and silver salts, by the reaction of HCl and oxides/carbonates/hydroxides, by direct combination of constituent elements
Use of chlorides - Used as a bleaching agent, kills diseases (cholera, typhoid), used to manufacture
chemicals, combines with metals to form salts used in home cleaning, salt used in the petroleum
industry, used in the manufacturing of dry batteries

3.9.6 Sulphates

Sulphate - A chemical compound containing a sulphate (SO42- ) group
Preparation of sulphates -
Soluble - By the action of a metal, carbonate, hydroxide, or oxide with dilute sulphuric acid
Insoluble - By double decomposition
Uses of sulphates - CuSO4 is used in plaster casts, FeSO4 is used in the manufacturing of ink, used in the manufacturing of pigments and medicines, used in dyes and making leather

Form 4 Topics

4.1.0 Nonmetals and their compounds

4.1.1 General chemical properties of nonmetals

Physical properties of nonmetals - Usually brittle, bad conductors of heat and electricity (except graphite),physically weak, have low melting and boiling points (except diamonds), they are gases, volatile liquids,or solids at room temperature, usually have low density
Chemical properties of nonmetals - Are electron acceptors (electronegative elements, ex Cl- ,O2- ,S2- ),they are oxidizing agents (react by gaining electrons to form negative ions), form acidic or neutral oxides, hydrides and chlorides are covalent (CH4,NH3, HCl,H2S), cannot replace hydrogen in an acid to form a salt (like metals do) because nonmetals are electron acceptors
Electronegativity - The ability of an element to attract electrons towards itself
Electrovalent Series - List of elements which go from the highest to lowest electronegativity (F Cl Br I)
Effect of an element with higher electronegativity on a compound with an element with lower
electronegativity - The element with higher electronegativity will displace the element with a lower
electronegativity (the opposite is never true). The higher the electronegativity of a substance, the
stronger an oxidant it becomes
Physical properties differentiating metals and non metals -
•  Good conductors of heat and electricity
•  Can be cut sharp
•  Shiny surface when cut
•  Malleable
•  Poor conductors of heat and electricity
•  Generally dull when cut
•  Generally not shiny when cut
•  Non-malleable

4.1.2 Chlorine

Preparation of chlorine gas - An oxidizing agent like potassium permanganate (KMnO4 ) with concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCl)
Physical properties of chlorine - Greenish yellow gas, unpleasant choking smell, denser than air,
moderately soluble in water, poisonous gas
Chemical properties of chlorine - Bleaching agent, no effect on dry litmus paper but wet litmus paper turns colourless
Uses of chlorine gas - Bleaching agent, kills dangerous germs in water like cholera and typhoid, used to manufacture organic solvents like chloroform and carbon tetrachloride, used as a precursor for
insecticides and pesticides
1. The diagram below shows the preparation of chlorine gas in a laboratory fume chamber. Study the diagram and answer the questions which follow

(a) What do the letters A, B, C, D, and E represent?
A - Concentrated hydrochloric acid
B - Delivery tube
C - Potassium manganate VI
D - Gas jar
E - Water trough
(i) Why is the gas prepared in the fume chamber?
The gas prepared in the fume chamber because chlorine is a poisonous gas which is dangerous to
(ii) Can the gas be collected over water? Why?
The chlorine gas can be collected over water because it is not soluble in water. The water in this
experiment removes hydrogen chloride gas which is an impurity and not water
(iii) What will happen to a damp blue litmus paper if it is introduced into a gas jar full of chlorine gas?
It will turn the blue litmus paper red and then bleaches it
(iv) What will happen if a gas jar of hydrogen sulphide is inverted over a gas jar of chlorine such as the two gases get mixed?
Write a balanced equation for the reaction which takes place between hydrogen sulphide gas and chlorine gas
Hydrogen sulphide gas decolorizes a solution of yellowish-green chlorine. A yellow precipitate of
sulphur forms on the jar which liberates hydrogen chloride gas
(b) Give a balanced chemical equation for the method of preparation of chlorine used in this question
2KMnO4(s) +16HCl(aq) →5Cl2(g) +2KCl2(aq) +MnCl2(aq)  +8H2O(l)

4.1.3 Hydrogen chloride

Preparing a sample of dry hydrogen chloride gas - It is prepared by the reaction between concentrated sulphuric acid (H2SO4 ) and sodium chloride (NaCl)
Physical properties of hydrogen chloride gas - Colourless gas, has a choking smell, acidic (turns damp litmus paper red), denser than air, fumes in moist air, very soluble in water
Chemical properties of hydrogen chloride gas - Turns blue litmus paper red, does not support
combustion, gives white fumes with ammonia gas, decomposes to liberate hydrogen gas when reacted with certain metals like Zn or Fe, with oxidizing agents it decomposes to give salt, water & chlorine gas
Test for HCl(g) - Reaction with silver nitrate which forms a white precipitate of AgCl
Uses of hydrogen chloride gas - Synthesis of chlorine gas, preparation of hydrogen gas, production of hydrochloric acid, used in qualitative and quantitative analysis
1. (a) This picture represents the laboratory preparation of hydrogen chloride gas. Name the
parts labeled A, B, C and D
A - Concentrated sulphuric acid  
B - Sodium chloride
C - Concentrated sulphuric acid
D - Hydrogen chloride gas
(b) (i) Do you think the gas can be collected over water? Give reasons for your answer
The gas cannot be collected over water because it is soluble in water
(ii) Explain the test for this gas
The test for hydrogen chloride gas is the formation of dense white fumes with ammonia gas due to the
formation of NH4Cl
(iii) What is the function of C?
The function of sulphuric acid is to dry the gas since it has a high affinity to water
(iv) Name the method used in the collection of this gas
Downward delivery
(v) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction taking place during the preparation of the
hydrogen chloride gas
(c) Write chemical equations for the reaction between
(i) Ammonia gas and hydrogen chloride
NH3(g)+HCl(g)→ NH4Cl
(ii) Hydrogen chloride gas and water
This is showing the mixing an acid with water forms a diluted aqueous liquid Hydrochloric acid

Properties of HCl (aq) - Is acidic to litmus changing it from blue to red
With carbonates - Salt, water and carbon dioxide are produced
With bases - It forms salt and water only
With metals - It reacts to form salts and hydrogen gas is liberated
With silver nitrate - A white precipitate of silver chloride is formed
With an oxidizing agent - Chlorine gas is produced
Uses of HCl (aq) - Manufacturing of chlorine, cleaning metal surfaces before galvanizing, preparation of soluble chlorides, used in qualitative and quantitative analysis

4.1.4 Sulphur

Allotropy - Different structures of the same element. For example, diamond and graphite, diamonds are bonded tetrahedrally and graphite is bonded in sheets
Allotropes - Different forms of the same element which exist in the same physical state (e.g. diamonds and graphite are allotropes of carbon)
Sulphur- Is a yellow, nonmetallic, naturally occurring element found mainly in the upper surfaces of the earth in Sicily and deep in the earth in the USA
Frasch Process - The industrial process used in the extraction of sulphur based on the use of sulphurs low melting point
Allotropes of sulphur - Rhombic, monoclinic, amorphous (flower of sulphur), colloidal, plastic
Rhombic Sulphur - Made of yellow translucent crystals which is octahedral in structure and changes to monoclinic form after it is heated above 96°C
Monoclinic Sulphur - Consists of needle shaped amber transparent crystals which reverts back to
rhombic sulphur below 96°C
Amorphous Sulphur - Produced when a saturated solution of hydrogen sulphide gas in water is left
exposed to the air bring about a white powder of amorphous sulphur
Colloidal Sulphur - A yellow suspension formed when dilute hydrochloric acid is added to dilute
sodium thiosulphate
Plastic Sulphur - A rubber like form of sulphur formed when boiling sulphur is poured into water, after a few days the plastic sulphur reverts back o the hard rhombic type
Physical properties of sulphur - It is a yellow solid existing in allotropic form, when heated it melts to an amber (reddish brown) liquid, sublimes easily on cooling and when condensed from a vapour forms a deposit called flower sulphur, insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvent, poor conductor of heat and electricity
Chemical properties of sulphur - Combines directly with metals to give metallic sulphide, can react with metals without heating, reacts with nonmetals (ex w/oxygen to form sulphur dioxide or with carbon to form carbon disulphide), burns easily with a blue flame in the presence of air to give sulphur dioxide gas which is acidic, used as a reducing agent
Uses of sulphur - Manufacturing of sulphuric acid, to vulcanize (harden) rubber, the manufacture of
matches and gunpowder, manufacturing of chemicals, insecticides, in medicine for ointments and drugs

4.1.5 Sulphur dioxide

Preparation of sulphur dioxide - Heating copper and concentrated sulphuric acid (H 2 SO 4 ) or by reacting sodium sulphate and dilute hydrochloric acid then heating
Physical properties of sulphur dioxide - A colourless gas, has an irritating smell, is readily soluble in water, can be liquefied at ordinary room temperature at 3 atm pressure, it is poisonous to vegetation, it is denser than air so it is observed by downward delivery
Chemical properties of sulphur dioxide - An acidic gas reacting with water to form sulphurous acid which turns blue litmus red, it neutralizes alkalis
Uses of sulphur dioxide - Bleaching of delicate materials, manufacture of sulphuric acid, used as a
germicide and fumigant, used for the preservation of juicy fruits, used in refrigerators
Hazards of sulphur dioxide - It is dangerous because it can react with oxygen and water in the body to form sulphurous acid which will destroy tissues in the body

4.1.6 Sulphuric acid

Contact Process - The method of producing sulfuric acid in high concentrations needed for industrial processes

Commercial uses of sulphuric acid - Manufacture of inorganic fertilizers, extraction of metals, to clean metal surfaces, manufacturing synthetic fibers/paints/dyes/explosives, creation of fungicide,
manufacture other chemicals like HCl/sulphates/alums/nitric acid, used as an electrolyte in car batteries, used to refine petroleum, use to manufacture detergents and soaps
Properties of sulphuric acid - A dense oily liquid, able to react with bases to form salts, reacts with metals to produce salt and hydrogen gas, reacts with carbonates to form salt, water and carbon dioxide, works as an oxidizing agent, has a high affinity to water (its better to add the acid to the water than the water to the acid), it is used as a drying agent to remove water from various compounds
Uses of sulphuric acid - Used in the manufacturing of fertilizers, manufacturing of paints and pigments, manufacturing of fibres, production of chemicals, used in accumulators, refining of petroleum and extraction of metals, manufacturing of detergents and soap

4.1.7 Nitrogen

Preparation of nitrogen in the lab - Reacting ammonium chloride and sodium nitrate while heating
Importance of nitrogen - Essential to plants and animals for the production of proteins, plants cannot nitrogen directly (only in the form of nitrates)
Industrial preparation of nitrogen - By fractional distillation of liquid air from the atmosphere
Physical properties of nitrogen - Slightly soluble in water, colourless and odorless gas, slightly less dense than air, not poisonous, boils at 195°C
Uses of nitrogen - Used to manufacture ammonia by Haber’s process, manufacturing of fertilizer, used as a coolant, manufacturing of nitric acid, manufacturing of plastics
Chemical test for nitrogen - Does not burn and does not support combustion and has no effect with lime water
Nitrogen Fixing - The process whereby free atmospheric nitrogen is made useable by changing it into nitrate and it is absorbed by plants
Ways to fix nitrogen naturally - Bacteria living at the roots of leguminous plants (like beans) have the ability to convert atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates, some bacteria living freely in the soil can also fix atmospheric nitrogen, lightning can cause atmospheric nitrogen to combine with oxygen to form nitrogen oxide which then dissolves in rain water to form nitric acid which is converted to nitrates in soil
Nitrifying Bacteria - Oxidize ammonia and convert it into nitrates
Denitrifying Bacteria - Convert ammonia into free nitrogen (N2)
Nitrogen gas is the most abundant gas in the air and is inert and will not react with metals under normal conditions

4.1.8 Ammonia

Haber Process - Used in the industrial preparation of ammonia and is represented by the equation
 N2(g)+3H2(g)↔NH3(g) ∆H=-46.2kJ/mol 
Catalyst used in the production of ammonia - Iron oxide from magnetite
Properties of ammonia - A colourless, tasteless gas with a pungent choking smell, less dense than air (collected by upward delivery), extinguishes a burning splint, it is the only alkaline gas which turns red litmus to blue
Uses of ammonia - Fertilizer, softening of temporary hard water, cleaner, precursor for explosives,
refrigeration, antimicrobial, source of nitrogen for living systems

4.1.9 Carbon

Allotropes of carbon - Diamond, graphite
Diamond - Very hard, used in drilling machines and glass cutting
Graphite - Very soft, black and greasy, used as lubricant, non-metal which conducts electricity
Similarities between diamond and graphite - Forms crystalline in nature, both are pure carbon
(formed entirely of carbon atoms), chemically similar (e.g. when burnt, they release CO2 )
Differences between diamond and graphite -
Property          Diamond                                             Graphite
Appearance    Colourless,Transparent          Black with metallic luster
Density           3.51 g/cm3                                       2.25 g/cm3
Hardness        Hardest known element                Not very hard
Conductivity  Does not conduct electricity         Conducts electricity like metals
Bonding          Strong C-C covalent bonds           Strong C-C bonds in hexagonal rings in
                        arranged octahedrally to form        a sheets with weak forces between the layers
                        giant molecular crystal
Cleavage         Difficult, along octahedral              Easy, along sheets
Method of       Prepared from graphite at very        Prepared from coke and silica mixture at a
synthesis          high pressure and temperature        high temperature
Uses                 Drills, precious stone, cutting          Lubricant, pencils, electrode in electrolytic
                         glass, grinding                                 reactions, moderator in nuclear reactors,
                                                                                  converted under pressure to synthetic
Effect of carbon monoxide in the blood - Carbon monoxide binds to the iron in hemoglobin in red blood cells to form carboxyl which prevents the hemoglobin from taking oxygen, eventually leading to death

4.1.10 Carbon dioxide

Test for carbon dioxide (CO2) - When it is bubbled through calcium hydroxide (lime water) it causes small chalk particles to suspend in the water causing a milky appearance

4.1.11 Nonmetals questions

1. The industrial preparation of ammonia in the Haber process is represented by:
N2(g)+3H2(g)↔NH3(g) ∆H=-46.2kJ/mol 
What will happen if?
(i) The temperature of the equilibrium mixture is increased?
The equilibrium will shift to the left because reactants are favoured by an increase in temperature for
exothermic reactions
(ii) More nitrogen gas is added to the equilibrium mixture?
The equilibrium will shift to the right and more NH3 will be produced, since an increase in reactants will create more products
(iii) The formed ammonia gas is removed from the equilibrium mixture?
The equilibrium will shift to the right and compensate for the NH3 that was removed in following Le
Chatelier’s principle
2. (a) Write down the balanced equations for manufacturing sulphur dioxide (SO2 ) from
(i) Sulphur
(ii) Hydrogen sulphide
(iii) A sulphide ore
4FeS2(g)+11O2(g) → 2FeO3(s)+8SO2(g)  
(b) Write down a balanced chemical equation for the combustion of sulphur dioxide

4.2.0 Organic Chemistry

4.2.1 Introduction to organic chemistry

Isomer - Compounds with the same molecular formula but different structural formulas
Isomerism - The occurrence of two or more compounds with the same molecular formula but having
different structural formulas
Monomer - An atom or small molecule that can form longer chains called polymers
Polymerization - The process of combining monomer molecules together in a chemical reaction to form 3 dimensional chains called polymers
Aldehydes - An organic compound containing a formyl group with the structure R-CHO
Amine - Organic compounds and functional groups that contain a basic nitrogen atom with a lone pair which are derivatives of ammonia where one or more hydrogen atoms has been replaced by an alkyl or aryl group
Cracking - The decomposition of complex organic compounds into simpler ones
Functional Group - Specific groups of atoms within molecules that are responsible for the characteristic chemical reactions of those molecules
Lubricating Oils - Oils which reduce the friction between two moving surfaces to improve efficiency and reduce wear (breakdown)
Petroleum Products - Asphalt, diesel, lubricating oils, paraffin wax, gasoline, kerosene, petrochemicals, tar, fuel
Viscosity - The measure of the resistance of a fluid which is thought about in terms of thickness of thinness (ex water is ‘thin’, honey is ‘thick’)

4.2.2 Hydrocarbons

Hydrocarbon - Is an organic compound consisting entirely of hydrogen and carbon atoms. Hydrocarbons produce CO2 (carbon dioxide), H2O (water) and energy when burned
Homologous Series - Is a series of compounds which conform to a general formula, undergo chemical reactions, physical properties change gradually in the same direction in the series, general methods of preparation can be applied to any member in the series and differ in composition by CH2
Hydrogenation - Is a chemical reaction between molecular hydrogen (H2 ) and another compound or element. Commonly used to reduce or saturate organic compounds like alkanes or alkynes (ex ethyne (C2H2 ) reacts with H2 to form C2H6 since two of the three triple bonds are broken, freeing up four spaces for hydrogen atoms, resulting in the formation of an alkane from an alkyne through hydrogenation)
KMnO4 (potassium permanganate) is used to distinguish saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons
Nickel is used as a catalyst in the hydrogenation of oils
Methane is found in natural gas

4.2.3 Properties of hydrocarbons

Types of hydrocarbons - Saturated, unsaturated
Saturated Hydrocarbons - Organic compounds containing no double or triple bonds (alkanes)
Types of saturated hydrocarbons - Alkanes
Alkanes - Are hydrocarbons whose atoms are linked together exclusively by single bonds. They
are saturated hydrocarbons. Methane (CH4 ) is the simplest alkane. Chain alkanes follow the
homologous series CnH2n+2
Unsaturated Hydrocarbons - Are a type of hydrocarbon with double or triple bonds which means that they can undergo additional reactions (alkenes/alkynes)
Types of unsaturated hydrocarbons - Alkenes, alkynes
Alkenes - Are hydrocarbons which contain at least one double carbon-carbon bond. They are
unsaturated hydrocarbons. Ethylene (C2H4 ) is the simplest alkene. Follow the homologous
series CnH2n
Alkynes - Are hydrocarbons which contain a triple carbon-carbon bond. They are unsaturated
hydrocarbons. Ethyne (acetylene C2H2 ) is the simplest alkyne. Follows the homologous series

4.2.4 Alcohols

Alcohols - Any organic compound in which a hydroxyl function group (OH-) is bound to a carbon atom.
They follow the general formula CnH2n+1OH. The simplest alcohol is methanol (CH3OH)
Fermentation - An anaerobic process of respiration which involves the breakdown of carbohydrates into alcohols, carbon dioxide and energy
Ester - Chemical compounds formed by condensing an alcohol with an acid
Esterification - A chemical reaction where an alcohol and an acid form an ester as a product
Uses of esters - Used as fragrances or oils, backbone of DNA, creation of explosives, plastics
Converting an alkane to an alcohol - One of the hydrogen atoms is replaced by an OH group (ex CH becomes CH3OH)

When beer or wine is exposed to the air, alcohol is converted into acetic acid

4.2.5 Carboxylic Acids

Carboxylic Acid - Are organic compounds with at least one carboxyl group (-COOH) with a general formula of R-COOH, where R is a functional group. The general formula is CnH2n+1COOH
Soap - The salt of fatty acids

4.2.6 Organic chemistry questions

1. The empirical formula of a certain compound is CH3 . Its vapour density is 30. What is its molecular formula?
Vapour density = 30
Relative Molecular Mass = 2×VapourDensity
Step 1: Calculate relative molecular mass of CH3
2×30= Relative Molecular Mass=0
Step 2: Calculate n
C = 12, H = 1
n(CH3) = RAM
n(CH3) = 60
n(15) = 60
n = 4
To find the final molecule you need to multiply the CH3  by 4, 4(CH3),which gives C4H12
2. By naming the reagents, stating the conditions whenever possible and writing a balanced equation for each, describe how ethene could be converted into:
(i) Ethane - By hydrogenation
                        Catalyst Ni
(ii) Chloroethane - By reacting it with HCl gas
(iii) 1, 2-dibromoethane - By bromination
(iii) Ethanol - By reaction with HCl gas and reaction with water

3. Briefly explain how you would carry out the following conversions
Ethene→Ethane→Ethanol→Acetaldehyde→Acetic acid
Ethene→Ethane - By hydrogenation
                         Catalyst Ni
Ethane→Ethanol - By chlorination
                         light uv
Ethanol→Acetaldehyde - By adding water
Acetaldehyde→Acetic acid - Using oxidizing agent like potassium dichromate
4. (a) Name the compound formed and write its open structure formula
This is an acid because it follows the general formal of acids which is CnH2nO2
(b) Write balanced chemical equations of the reactions between CH2O and the following substances
(i) Sodium metal
(ii) Ethanol
(iii) Sodium hydroxide

4.3.0 Soil Chemistry

4.3.1 Soil Formation

*Found in the Geography study guide

Soil Formation - Creation of soil through the weathering of parent material
Soil Structure - The arrangement of soil particles within the soil
Flocculation - Binding together of soil particles

4.3.2 Soil reaction

Soil Reaction (pH) - The degree of acidity or alkalinity of the soil
Causes of soil reaction - Thunderstorms and lightning, decomposition of organic matter, amount of
mineral element present in soil solution, weathering, too much rainfall causing leaching, addition of
fertilizers, liming, bush burning, overcropping, irrigation
Importance of soil reaction - Solubility of different elements depends on the pH of the soil, determines the availability of plant nutrients, costs money to return to normal, influences enzyme activities in the soil, can discourage diseases, enables farmers to select acid or base tolerant crops
Liming - The process of adding basic compounds in acidic soil to reduce its acidity
States of agricultural soil - Active, potential
Active Acidity - A state of agricultural soil which has a higher concentration of H+ ions in the soil
solution than in the soil particles
Potential Acidity - A state of agricultural soil which has a lower concentration of H+ ions in the soil
solution than in the soil particles
Causes of soil acidity - Leaching of bases by irrigation or heavy rainfall, dissolving of carbon dioxide to form carbonic acid, application of acid forming fertilizers like sulphate of ammonia
Disadvantages of soil acidity - Affects plant growth by harming the roots, prevents the availability of essential elements, increases the solubility of ions to toxic levels, prevents activity of
Advantages of soil acidity - Enables farmers to select acid tolerant crops, may discourage disease
Causes of soil basicity - Availability of cations, overliming, low amount of microbes in the soil
Advantages of soil alkalinity - Enables formers to select suitable crops for basic soil (ex coffee, tea),
favors growth of most crops due to high content of available cations
Disadvantages of soil alkalinity - Availability of too many bases may lead to toxic levels in the plant

4.3.3 Plant nutrients in soil

Ways atmospheric nitrogen is transformed into usable forms for plants -
Nitrogen Fixation - A process where atmospheric nitrogen is converted into nitrates or ammonium ions in the soil by bacteria in the nodules of leguminous plants
Mineralization - Conversion of organic nitrogenous compounds into inorganic forms by microorganisms
Nitrification - The chemical way that nitrifying bacteria use ammonium as a source of energy which
oxidizes it into nitrates which are useable by plants
Lightning - Lightning causes atmospheric nitrogen to combine with oxygen to form nitrogen oxide,
which is then dissolved by rain water and added to the soil
Functions of various elements in plants - N, P, Zn
Nitrogen - Synthesis of proteins/nucleic acids/chlorophyll, root growth and cation exchange, promotes plant growth and use of carbohydrates
Phosphorus - Synthesis of nucleic acids/ATP, disease resistance, root growth, increases grain yield for cereals, speeds up crop maturation
Zinc - Component of enzymes responsible for anaerobic respiration
Types of elements needed by plants - Macronutrients, micronutrients (trace elements)
Macronutrients - Elements in the soil needed by plants in a large amount
Examples of macronutrients in plants - Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur
Micronutrients (Trace Elements) - Elements in the soil needed by plants in a small amount
Examples of trace nutrients in plants - Zinc, chlorine, boron, copper, iron
Denitrification - A microbially facilitated process of nitrate reduction that ultimately produces molecular nitrogen (N2 ) which is released into the atmosphere
Denitrifying Bacteria - Add nitrogen to the atmosphere by converting nitrates in the soil into free nitrogen
Symbiotic Bacteria - Bacteria which live in a host and they depend on each other for nutrition (e.g. nitrogen fixing bacteria living symbiotically with leguminous plants)

4.3.4 Manures and fertilizers

Nitrogenous straight fertilizers - Sulphate of ammonia ((NH4)2SO4 or SA), ammonium sulphate nitrate ((NH4)2SO4+NH4NO3 or A.S.N), urea (CO(NH2)2 ), Calcium ammonium nitrate (CaCO3+NH4 NO3 or C.A.N)
Sulphate of Ammonia - Consists of small white crystals, contains about 21% nitrogen and 23.5%
sulphur, is a hygroscopic and deliquescent compound, if applied repeatedly to soil it will become
acidic due to hydrolysis
Ammonium Sulphate Nitrate - Mixture of two salts (ammonia sulphate and ammonium nitrate),
consists of yellowish granules, about 26% sulphur, not strongly acidic like ammonium sulphate but
is more hygroscopic
Urea - Consists of white crystals, contains about 46% nitrogen, soluble and hygroscopic, does not
damage plant leaves so it can be applied to plants, easily taken up by plant roots through leaves,
causes slight acidity to the soil if applied repeatedly
Calcium Ammonium Nitrate - Mixture of two chemicals (Ammonium nitrate and calcium carbonate),consists of gray granules, contains about 20% nitrogen, is hygroscopic, does not cause acidity in the soil
Advantages of artificial fertilizers - Chemical composition is constant, easy to apply, nutrient elements are balanced in relation to each other, easy to store, easy to absorb, contain nutrients in concentrated form
Disadvantages of artificial fertilizers - Do not assist in conservation and building of organic matter, do not improve soil structure, do not conserve soil nitrogen, do not encourage microbial activity, do not increase soil temperature, alters pH easily, does not contain all elements in a single fertilizer
Effects of artificial fertilizers - Encourage rapid growth of algae in water bodies causing a lack of oxygen in the water for fish, can enter the water supply from water runoff and poison humans
Manure - A fertilizer which contains the decayed organic matter from animal wastes or plant remains
Types of organic manure - Kraal manure (waste product from animals), farm yard manure (mixture of grasses and animal wastes), poultry manure, composite manure, green manure
Advantages of manure - Conserves nitrogen in the soil, improves soil structure through humus
formation, almost all kinds of nutrients are available, encourages microbial activity, increases soil
temperature, assists in the conservation of organic matter, makes the soil fertile and porous
Disadvantages of manure - Has high moisture content making them heavy for transportation, have
indefinite chemical compositions, nutrients are supplied in a low amount, nutrients are unbalanced
in relation to each other, sometimes manure must be supplemented by artificial fertilizers,
Advantages of organic manure over artificial fertilizers - Improves soil structure through humus
formation, improves soil porosity/aeration/drainage, encourages conservation of soil nitrogen, supplies all kinds of plant nutrients, encourages microbial activities which assist in the mineralization of nutrients,prevents leaching
Methods of fertilizer application - Broadcasting, top dressing, side dressing, banding, in rows, plough-sole
Broadcasting - Used in closely spaced crops where nutrients are required in the narrow top soil zone
Top Dressing - The application of fertilizers uniformly over the soil after crop emergence
Side Dressing - Application of fertilizer beside the row of crops
Banding - The placement of fertilizer below or to the side of the seed or plant
In rows - Seeds are placed directly to on to the fertilizer
Plough-sole - Fertilizer is allowed to fall into the ground when the plough is ploughing the field

4.3.5 Soil fertility and productivity

Soil Fertility - The status of a soil with respect to the availability of nutrients
Why fertile soil is not always productive - Climate of the area (rainfall/temperature), crop types, soil texture, technology used, soil structure, poor farming methods
Ways to improve soil fertility - Crop rotation, reafforestation, renewal of humus, use of compost/manure,proper use of artificial fertilizer
Effects of excessive nitrogen to plants - Delays plant maturity, weakens plants leading to lower quality and yield, reduces sugar content
Factors affecting soil fertility - Soil erosion, burning, water lodging causing leaching, monoculture,
Ways to improve soil fertility - Adding of manure, adding sand or clay, tilling the soil, crop rotation, weed control, mulching, good farming/harvesting practices, soil erosion control
Soil Erosion - Is the shifting of topsoil from one place to another
Ways to control soil erosion - Use of organic manures, intercropping, crop rotation, mulching,
afforestation, destocking
Why fertile soil may not be productive - All of the following can negatively effect soil: climate of the area,type of crop grown, soil structure of the soil, soil texture, technology employed, pests and diseases
Most commonly used nitrates by plants - Ammonium (NH4+ ) or nitrate ions (NO3 ), since they are easily taken up by roots
Why nitrogen gas is not directly available to plants - Very few organisms are capable of assimilating free nitrogen to make it available to plants as nitrate ions. Leguminous plants use a species called rhizobium to fix atmospheric nitrogen
Leaching - The process where nutrients are removed from the soil by being dissolved in water
Mulching - Practice of covering the soil with a layer of plant remains to conserve soil moisture
Terracing - The creation of step-like landforms on the sides of mountains to capture water and increase land size for farming
Chemicals which neutralize soil acid - Lime (calcium carbonate), magnesium carbonate, calcium oxide, ashes from charcoal and wood, silicates of calcium and magnesium, pulp from paper manufacturing
Chemicals which neutralize basic soil - Sulphur (S2 ), calcium sulphate, gypsum

4.3.6 Soil questions

1. Calculate the percentage composition of nitrogen in ammonium sulphate fertilizer (NH4)2SO4
To find the percentage composition of an element in a given compound, you need to first find the masses of each element, and then you find the total mass of the compound and divide that total mass by the mass of the element in the question. This will give you the percent composition
Step 1: Find masses of each element in the
N=14, H=1, S=32, O=16
Step 2: Multiply their masses by the number of
28 + 8 + 32 + 64 = 132 g/mol
Step 3: Take the mass from step 2 of the element
in the question and divide it by the total mass of the compound and multiply by 100 to get a atoms present in the compound
N=14 x 2=28H=4 x 1 x 2=8
S=32 O=16 x 4=64
Step 4: Sum these to get the total mass of the compound percentage
The percentage composition of N is 21.21%

4.4.0 Pollution

4.4.1 Concept of pollution
*The Geography study guide has more information about pollution and environmental conservation

Pollution - The act of making the air, soil and water unfit for use
Types of pollution - Water pollution, air pollution, land (terrestrial) pollution
Pollutants - Any substance produced and released into the environment that makes it unfit for use
Causes of water pollution - Detergents, sewage, farm runoff, industrial waste, oil

4.4.2 Terrestrial pollution

Effects of farming of on the environment - Erosion, destroys bacteria in the soil, overgrazing,
deforestation, chemicals, artificial fertilizers tend to increase soil acidity, monoculture destroys fertility
Terrestrial Pollution - The process of dumping garbage and waste materials on the land making the land dirty or uninhabitable
Materials which contribute to terrestrial pollution - Plastic bags, buckets, glass, cans, industrial
waste, plastic wrapping
Causes of terrestrial pollution - Littering, agrochemicals (e.g. DDT, chlorinated hydrocarbons), toxic waste from industry or hospitals
Methods of preventing terrestrial pollution - Use of biodegradable insecticide, returning old bottles and glass containers for recycling and reusing, construction of free flowing sanitation systems,
control of toxic waste dumping

4.4.4 Aerial Pollution

Main sources of aerial pollution - Industry, internal combustion engines (cars/lorries)
Substances causing air pollution - Dust, smoke, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, lead
Acid Rain - Sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen from cars or industry form acids in clouds which rain damaging buildings and wildlife
Gases which cause acid rain - Carbon dioxide (CO2 ), sulphur dioxide (SO2 ), nitrogen dioxide (NO2 )
Effects of acid rain on the environment - Increases soil acidity which reduces soil fertility, kills trees and vegetables

4.4.5 Environmental Conservation

Biodegradable Substances - Substances which can be broken down in the environment by bacteria or naturally occurring chemicals
Importance of environmental conservation - Plants can be used as medicine, biological control of pests to protect food supplies, beauty of the natural environment, tourism, protection of wildlife, reduction of the rate of loss of natural resources, natural resources can be renewed

4.4.7 Ozone layer destruction

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) - Gases which cause the destruction of the ozone layer
Greenhouse Effect - Refers to the role that the atmosphere plays in the warming of the Earth’s surface by preventing radiation from leaving Earth’s surface. Gases in the atmosphere reflect energy back to the Earth instead of letting it go out into space, thereby increasing the temperature of the Earth. The main gas which causes this is carbon dioxide (CO2 )
Effect of ultraviolet radiation (UV) on living organisms - Causes mutation leading to changes in the phenotype of an organism (UV is a mutagen), it is a carcinogen (causes cancer), kills unicellular
organisms like bacteria
Function of ozone (O3 , ozone layer) in the atmosphere - Prevents the penetration of harmful UV radiation from the sun onto the Earth’s surface
Ways to prevent ozone layer destruction - Proper handling of waste gases, planting of trees which use CO2 gas produced by industries or automobiles, reducing number of harmful practices used by
industries, building of more efficient cars, use of renewable energy (e.g. wind power)
Effects of destroying the ozone layer - Allows harmful UV radiation to reach the earth which can cause skin burns or cancer
Examples of nonmetallic oxides which cause pollution - Carbon dioxide (CO2 ), sulphur dioxide (SO2)

4.5.0 Qualitative Analysis

4.5.1 Qualitative analysis

What will happen if -
Yellow flowers are placed in a container with chlorine gas - The yellow colour will disappear due to the bleaching effects of chlorine
A glass rod which was dipped in concentrated HCl is introduced into a jar with ammonia gas -
Dense white fumes will be seen due to the reaction of  NH3+HCL→NH4CL
Sulphur dioxide gas is bubbled through a yellow acidified potassium dichromate solution - The
yellow colour of dichromate will change green due to the reduction of Cr6+ to Cr3+
A dilute solution of calcium chloride and sodium carbonate are mixed - A white precipitate of
calcium carbonate is formed
An iron earring dropped into a container of copper sulphate solution - Iron will displace copper
from its sulphate producing FeSO4 which will change the solution from blue to green
      Green                                Blue
A copper knife is dipped into a zinc nitrate solution - Nothing will happen because copper cannot
reduce zinc since it is at a higher position in the electrochemical series
Copper turnings are dropped into a container of dilute hydrochloric acid - There will be no
reaction because copper cannot replace hydrogen in acids since it is below hydrogen in the
reactivity series
Explain the following with equations -
White anhydrous copper (II) sulphate changes its colour to blue when water is added - This
happens because hydrated copper (II) sulphate is formed which is the colour blue
                 Blue                           White
Vigorous reaction takes place when a small piece of sodium metal is placed in water - Sodium
metal is highly reactive with water because the sodium ionizes by electron loss and displaces the
hydrogen forming NaOH and liberating hydrogen gas. Since the difference in reactivity between
hydrogen and sodium metal is so high, the reaction is violent
Addition of Zn metal to a solution of copper (II) sulphate results in the decolourization of the
solution and deposition of a solid brown substance - Caused by the displacement of Cu by Zn
since Zn is at a higher position than Cu in the electrochemical series (meaning Zn is more reactive
than Cu). This causes the formation of ZnSO4 which is colourless. The brown substance is the
Why freshly prepared nitric acid changes from being colourless to a yellowish brown after
standing - When concentrated HNO3 is left open it will decompose to NO2 which is a yellowish
brown colour
A mixture of ammonia chloride and sodium hydroxide solution is heated - Causes a choking smell due to the formation of ammonia
Ammonium chloride crystals are heated - Causes the formation of ammonia gas
Ammonium nitrate crystals are heated - Nitrogen oxide and water forms
Ammonium sulphate crystals are heated - Ammonia sulphate crystals decompose into ammonia and ammonium hydrogen sulphate
Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is added to a test tube containing carbonate - Effervescence occurs due to the formation of carbon dioxide gas
Ammonium sulphate crystals and sodium hydroxide solution are warmed together - It will smell
bad due to ammonia gas
Lead nitrate is heated in a test tube - A brown gas (nitrogen dioxide) and yellow residue (lead oxide) forms
Identify the following substances by the given information -
A solid which is yellow when hot and white when cold - ZnO
When water is added to a white powder and heated, the white powder changes to blue crystals -
Anhydrous copper (II) sulphate
An aqueous solution of greenish crystalline sulphate forms a pale green precipitate with sodium
hydroxide solution and turns brown on standing when exposed to air - Iron (II) sulphate
A colourless gas becomes brown on exposure to the air - Nitrogen monoxide (NO)
A pale green solution which becomes yellowish brown on exposure to air - Iron (II) chloride (FeCl2)
Colourless liquid, immiscible with water, dissolves sulphur - Carbon disulphide (CS2 )
A heavy liquid metal - Mercury, Hg
Explodes with a pop sound when lit by a fire - Hydrogen
Reignites a glowing splint - Oxygen
Reddish brown when hot and yellow when cold - Lead oxide

4.5.2 Qualitative analysis questions

1. Compound M was mixed with dilute HCL acid to form effervescence with gas Y and a solution of
compound X. Normally when compound M is strongly heated forms gas Y and a solid residue W, then when residue W dissolved in warm water forms solution B. When gas Y is allowed pass through solution B for two to three minutes, solution B turned to milky colour. Identify by names compound B, M, X, W and gas Y.
Gas Y is CO2 because the reaction between a metallic carbonate and acids results in effervescence due to the evolution of CO2 gas
Compound B is calcium hydroxide because of the reaction between carbon dioxide and calcium hydroxide forms a solution with a milky colour
Compound M is calcium carbonate because the reaction of compound M with dilute HCL causes
effervescence and because when it was heated it formed a metallic oxide Q (because it is a solid residue and gas was given out and when the residue was dissolved in water, calcium hydroxide was formed)
Compound X is calcium chloride because the reaction between calcium carbonate and HCl causes the
formation of the calcium chloride, water and carbon dioxide
Compound W is calcium oxide because the decomposition of calcium carbonate forms calcium oxide and CO2 gas

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